Lucky shaking


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that Lucky seems to shake quite often. Save for when he's asleep. But he almost always seems to have the jitters.

I know littler dogs often shake due to nerves (Bear is one of those.)
But is Lucky (American cocker ) supposed to do it as well? Also, sometimes he does it when not emotional driven or cold.

Do other cocker do it, or should I get him checked out??
Could it just be his past getting to him?? Age??
Did you clip him recently? Is his whole body trembling or is he just shaking his head? Put him in a very warm room and see if it stops. Do you have a thermometer? See if he has a fever. Normal temp is 38.9C (plus or minus 1).

If he's doing it at certain times, what's going on at the time?
Did you clip him recently? Is his whole body trembling or is he just shaking his head? Put him in a very warm room and see if it stops. Do you have a thermometer? See if he has a fever. Normal temp is 38.9C (plus or minus 1).

If he's doing it at certain times, what's going on at the time?
He was clipped about two weeks ago. Generally, he'll shake after waking up, just before sleeping.

Sometimes he shakes if he knows someone is about to leave or thinks they are.

But then sometimes it just randomly happens. It's his whole body. But he acts normally.
We live in the higher elevations in CA, it gets cold up here, and my dogs are groomed short. They do wear what I call housecoats in the cooler months. The coats are cotton lined with cotton. They do get cold.

I sure would watch Lucky. Try keeping him warmer, then if it continues a check up may be in order. Shaking can also be a sign of pain, or emotions.
He does have a few sweaters, crocheted by my mother. He doesn't much like them! Lol!

But they have seemed to help a little. We live in Wyoming at a 7,000 foot elevation. So cold is likely. Though sometimes he still shakes during cuddle time. Not every time, of course. Bear, on the other hand seems fine.
I agree that you should first see if Lucky is cold. He might not like the sweaters but he'll soon become accustomed to them. If that doesn't stop it, I'd get a vet check to see if he's in pain or has another issue.