Peeing in the rain......


Owned by
1 cocker
Does anyone have advice on how to get a dog to go potty when it's raining? Charlie just runs under the nearest shelter and sits down until I let him come in. We just spent 20 minutes standing in the rain with nothing to show for it. Any advice would be appriciated!
Does anyone have advice on how to get a dog to go potty when it's raining? Charlie just runs under the nearest shelter and sits down until I let him come in. We just spent 20 minutes standing in the rain with nothing to show for it. Any advice would be appriciated!

LOL, at least Charlie goes outside!!! When it's raining here most of mine will look at me like I'm crazy when I say "let's go pee!" If you figure out the secret please do share! :)
When teaching mine, I put them on a leash, grab an umbrella and WALK in the yard. Don't stand in one place or they'll just sit with you or run back to the door. Try not to give in until the duty is done if possible. Sometimes it can tske a while especially in the beginning. Good luck.
I would walk Gabby in the rain. He loved being out rain or shine. Later when he had joint problems I would coax him in the backyard with treats--that dog was food motivated for sure. Same with Hoshi. I'll coax Hoshi outside with about 2 treats. I walk out far enough that he pees on something on the way back.
My three have figured out that if they get out there get it done right away they get back in sooner...but then I live in Washington so they are use to a little rain. Now add lightning and thunder to the mix and they can hold it for hours.

I did the leash thing when they were puppies with a command of hurry up, helped alot.

My daughters dog, big boy that he is, looks like you are sending him to the gallows when it is raining, he is under the impression that he will melt if he gets wet. When he gets bathed he goes to his crate and will refuse to look at you the rest of the day.
Most of mine would play in the rain all day if I would let them so it isn't a problem. But I use the big golf umbrella and a leash for the ones that don't want to go out in the rain.

Presley will jump in the pool, play in the lake, but ask her to walk on wet grass is the most terrible thing ever to her. She puts on the breaks and becomes a stubborn girl. She just looks at you and wiggles.
Mine all go out in the rain cause I open the garage door to let them do their thing in there if they need to. Some have come in with "precious feet syndrome" but we usually get over it pretty quickly. Out with an umbrella over your sweet head for awhile but soon...go and hurry up usually works.
I have the same problem with my Cocker Spaniel, Marley. I have stood outside with him for a long time then we will come inside and next thing I know he is peeing on the floor. I’m not sure what else to do. We are now to the point that we put a few of those puppy potty training pads by the door when it’s raining out so there is less of a mess because he will not go outside!

I find this entire thing very strange with Marley though because we can hardly keep him out of our pond but the rain is going to 'melt' him! I think he is a stinker. ;)
I know some do not recommend laser toys but if Marley loves them take one out with you. Hoshi loves chasing them and will pee and poo while he's at it.
Before we installed our doggie door here, I used to train mine to go on command. It worked very well. And, I would put peepee pads down in front of the door when it rained. Then came Pogo... at about 6 months old LOL.. he thought the peepee pads were great toys to shred! He still loves any kind of paper.. [sigh]

Now they go out when they need to, in the rain they use my porch. Better that then the carpet.
My Pogo sleeps at my feet, under the covers. Nothing is more fun then being shocked awake by a damp dog getting back in bed after going out. :D
My Pogo sleeps at my feet, under the covers. Nothing is more fun then being shocked awake by a damp dog getting back in bed after going out. :D


LOL....We close our doggy door at night, keeps the critters out and barking dogs in. The girls get a last out around 10 to 13:30 and then they are in for the night...on the very rare occasion one of us has to let them out at night.
DJ I used to do that when we lived in the Hollywood Hills and had the cats also.. never wanted them out... but here I just let the thing swing day and night LOL.
I will definetly try that! I have yet to introduce him to a laser toy so we will see...I bet he will like it though because he has a very high prey drive.
I will definetly try that! I have yet to introduce him to a laser toy so we will see...I bet he will like it though because he has a very high prey drive.

In all my years of cockers, I have only had one that liked the laser. It was sure fun to play. But, my vet didn't like them, he told me not to allow her to play with it, that it was OCD... when we quit the laser or flashlight, she would jump at spots of sunlight.
Never thought of it that way! Marley (IMO) is kind of OCD with balls (Jolly Balls are his fav)...He will roll a ball around the yard by hitting it with his nose and front feet til he is so pooped that he is foaming and snorting. We have to monitor his play with balls because it is so intense...He is to the point I rarely let him play with balls and when he gets to he only gets to play for 5 minutes at top.

Maybe a laser wouldnt be a good thing for him?!
Boy am I glad to find that I am not the only one having this problem:) Chicka was trained to pee pads by the breeder because she doesn't like the rain so re-training her is an issue. I have seen her hold it for hours, even after running around on the lawn, just to come in and wet on the floor. Until she came to Utah she had never seen snow, that she has decided is great stuff to run in:huh: I don't get it, snow is not only wet but cold! I have to stay out on the lawn till she goes so I need to find a way to get her trained to just go out herself and get it done, when winter comes walking around the back yard in a blizzard at 5am is not my idea of a good morning:( She will not go on a leash, don't know why, any other suggestions?

Chase walks around on the wet grass when forced to go out like he is walking on hot coals:lol: he will wet on anything on the patio but it is better than the house. S
Get you cocker doing some activity that she loves outside. Mine would go bonkers if they spotted a bunny in the back yard. They would be so excited and running around that they couldn't hold it anymore.
If she has to go she will go. Take her out on a leash, let her sniff around for a little and then make like a post and wait. If she does not go put her back in house in a crate. Wait an hour and then repeat the trip out side. When she does go be prepared to give her all kinds of praise and treats. If you don't like the crate idea then teather her to you. If she starts to sniff around like she wants to pee, then take her outside. She will get the idea.
I don't think Bella notices the rain, but she is trained to go pee when I tell her to "go pee", because sometimes I just don't have time to wait for her to think about it.
It is very handy if you travel at all with your dogs too.
My previous cocker really didn't like being out in the rain either, but she also learned to go when I told her too.
Sometimes it takes a lot of stubborn on your part to get there...then a lot of praise when they finally break.

I honestly never really believed that you could train a dog that way, until I realized that it just happened without really trying.