Pushing food with nose?


New Member
Why would my 1yr old cocker push her food away and try to cover it. Sometimes she will end up eating it ( of course she takes it off her plate and takes it to my carpet to eat it from) and some times she passes on it anyone know why? I have a e a video clip If needed?
I've heard of dogs doing this. Mine haven't. Hoshi picks up his food and brings it to the living room carpet. He might bring it there to investigate it or he's not really hungry. I think he prefers the carpet because he can manipulate the food better instead of the slippery kitchen floor.

I googled your question and there's all sort of explanations why dogs use their nose like this. I suppose she is moving it elsewhere to save it for later.
Yes if she is an only dog, there is no food competition so she feels safe not eating if she isn't hungry.
My old Plott mix used to do this a lot especially as he got older. Have you tried switching to a new feed. I noticed when I bought him different food or put my "dog soup" on it, he always ate it right away (with gusto).