Question on my brown and white parti


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3 cockers
Since he was 2 yrs of age he gets these white sores that are flakey either on the inside of his ears or on the back, at first the breeder thought it was razor burn, so i stopped taking him to the groomer, but since that i know groom them with my friend and he still gets them, change the blades as soon as they get warm, have been to the vet several times, he thinks it might be something with the sebasious gland being clogged, have used several differant shampoos, nothing helps, they eventually go away, does anyone have this problem, if so, help

Lisa! Love your avitar! Great pix! Sorry, I'm not sure what to tell you, but I'm sure someone will have an idea for you. I know that my little Pepper, now that he's older sometimes has a break out on his skin. What I have found that has been effective is a collodial silver spray.
thanks for your advice, were would i get that, lisa
Lisa! Love your avitar! Great pix! Sorry, I'm not sure what to tell you, but I'm sure someone will have an idea for you. I know that my little Pepper, now that he's older sometimes has a break out on his skin. What I have found that has been effective is a collodial silver spray.
Hi Lisa~ I'm not sure what that is? Maybe the spray Polly suggested may help!
They kind of sound like what Butters has on his back. We had one removed by the vet last year. I think he said it was like a mole. They are a little flaky (the moles, not us). None of them are very big, but I check them once a week to make sure they do not change. Some do bleed a little, not sure if moles bleed, I've never had one.
I wonder if that's like what Maxwell had. When I first adopted him he looked like a bad case of dandruff. I actually bought some Selsun Blue to bathe him and he came out beautiful but I was allergic to the shampoo. Max had allergies. I had to use Neem oil shampoo on him to keep his skin in check. Also Benedryl at least twice per day. I wouldn't think white and flaky would indicate a mole especially not if they go away on their own.
thanks for your advice, were would i get that, lisa
I work at the Vitamin shoppe and we carry it there, I believe you can get it at any vitamin/health store. Give your local GNC a call. I think I would have a vet look at it also to tell you exactly what it is.
Thansk polly i appreciate that
i work at the vitamin shoppe and we carry it there, i believe you can get it at any vitamin/health store. Give your local gnc a call. I think i would have a vet look at it also to tell you exactly what it is.
Thanks, but i asked the vet and he said he didnt think it was a mole, so i will eventually have a biopsy done, they seem to bother me more than him

thanks again

they kind of sound like what butters has on his back. We had one removed by the vet last year. I think he said it was like a mole. They are a little flaky (the moles, not us). None of them are very big, but i check them once a week to make sure they do not change. Some do bleed a little, not sure if moles bleed, i've never had one.
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i wonder if that's like what maxwell had. When i first adopted him he looked like a bad case of dandruff. I actually bought some selsun blue to bathe him and he came out beautiful but i was allergic to the shampoo. Max had allergies. I had to use neem oil shampoo on him to keep his skin in check. Also benedryl at least twice per day. I wouldn't think white and flaky would indicate a mole especially not if they go away on their own.
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Other shampoos I like to use for this condition depending on how much oil is being secreted onto the hair is one with tar and sulfur, maleleuca (if use either of these they will not cut through the oiliness so I first bathe with 50/50 dawn original dish liquid then bathe with either of these shampoos after and let sit for 10 min) Or I also like shampoo with chlorhexidine. It needs to sit for 10-15 min. If the hair is oily it's the dog's bodily response to dry skin. You may have to trial and error with these shampoos to see which works best for your dog. My fave out of the three is the maleleuca with the chlorhexidine a close second. Good luck.
thanks for your help, i will try it

Other shampoos I like to use for this condition depending on how much oil is being secreted onto the hair is one with tar and sulfur, maleleuca (if use either of these they will not cut through the oiliness so I first bathe with 50/50 dawn original dish liquid then bathe with either of these shampoos after and let sit for 10 min) Or I also like shampoo with chlorhexidine. It needs to sit for 10-15 min. If the hair is oily it's the dog's bodily response to dry skin. You may have to trial and error with these shampoos to see which works best for your dog. My fave out of the three is the maleleuca with the chlorhexidine a close second. Good luck.
Skin issues seem to be the hardest to figure out. You have gotten some great ideas of things to try. Wishing you the best of luck finding an answer. I have a little rescue girl with skin problems -- we have tried so many things, and still haven't found the answer for her, but we keep trying.
thanks cindy,

i will keep trying.
Skin issues seem to be the hardest to figure out. You have gotten some great ideas of things to try. Wishing you the best of luck finding an answer. I have a little rescue girl with skin problems -- we have tried so many things, and still haven't found the answer for her, but we keep trying.