Raw Spot


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1 cocker
I noticed tonight that my little girl has a raw spot on her neck where her collar sits. Vertical about an inch long. It does not look like its bleeding, just raw and the hair on the spot is gone. I would get her an appointment asap with her regular vet but we are going out of town (3hrs away) tomorrow for a funeral. I'm going to try to get her an appointment, but didn't know if I could possibly get any help here? I gave her a bath last night in prep for our trip but did not see this last night at all! I bathed her and then I used a blow dryer and brushed her, clearly looked at this spot last night and it didn't look like this at all! I spent most the day with her and she didn't and is still not acting like anything is wrong. Left her for maybe a few hours today at the most and she was in her kennel then. Again she still has the energy and isn't acting like anything is wrong. I have taken her collar off.
Really appreciate it! 20130205_212934.jpg
My first thought is to tell you to take her to the vet in the morning, but if that is not possible I would try to make the soonest you can. Is she going with you? If so is it possible that you are leaving at a time close to when the vets open, and just stop in quickly to have it looked at?

It could be a hot spot but it could be some thing more. Is there any odor to it? Or is it weeping? My concern is that it could be a staph infection, which can spread so keep a close eye on it.

I would leave her collar off or switch to a harness (switch her tags). If possible clip a little hair around the bald spot so that the longer hair does not matt into the sore making it worse.
She is going with us. And I'm going to try to get her in whether it's here at home or there. I haven't noticed any odor it is weeping a little. And i'm leaving her collar off and have already clipped the hair.
I am not a vet nor do I play one on TV. Do you think this came from her collar rubbing for some reason? Check closely for any little issue on the inside of the collar. If you find something either fix it or dispose of the collar.

However I do have lots of experience with my cat, Regina, having this problem. I liked to try to keep a collar on her just incase she escaped from the house. Around here sometimes people put out cat traps and if she didn't have a visible sign she belonged to someone, they'd dispose of her. She never did get out, but I wanted to be safe. However she had the tenderest neck and about once a year we ended up getting a new collar after her neck healed.

Many times I took Regina into the vet to be treated. Eventually the vet told me that what I was using was essentially Neosporin with pain relief. I started to just take care of her myself after that. I would make sure the area is clean and use the Neosporin on there. If she starts to rub or scratch at the area you might have to cone her, if you can find one to work on the area.
Might be a hot spot. Keep an eye on her for any itching, odor to the area, drainage etc. When Fenway had a hot spot, I mixed 1/2 and 1/2 apple cider vinegar and water and sprayed some on. I was looking on line and came across something about that. Fenway's hot spot healed up in a few days. I was helping out my handler 2 months ago, one of her dog had a few on her neck but hers took a few weeks to heal. Also the products I use ( pet silk) have a hot dot relief shampoo, conditioner and spray. I tried it on another dog. It did help. If anything changes definitely take her in to a vet.
Do you have any other pets? My cat had a similar patch on her neck when anther cat bit her at her foster home prior to adoption. The other cat managed to get a chunk of her hair ripped off my cat.

It was tender for awhile but after watching it (and seeing the vet) it got better fairly quickly.

Obviously we left her collar off as well.
Only other pet we have is a chinchilla and they don't have a lot of contact, I hold her while my husband lets him run around or she sits next to his cage and watches him. Her previous home she lived with her sister but that's been about 5 months. I've been watching for food allergies, she came to me on blue buffalo but wouldn't eat and had VERY loose stool, she even smelled kinda funny. Then I put her on Royal Canin for cockers and she loves the food!! Her treats are ice, carrots and a natural treats that I'm forgetting the name of. She does starch every once in awhile, thought it might be from dry skin that I was putting a moisturizer spray on. But I'm looking at pictures of staph and thinking that might be it. Thank you all for all the suggestions. She is asleep snoring now, I think I'll get her to the vet in the morning. I'll try to give an update after the vet, but we are heading out of town for a funeral, so it might not be till Sunday.
I am not a vet nor do I play one on TV. Do you think this came from her collar rubbing for some reason? Check closely for any little issue on the inside of the collar. If you find something either fix it or dispose of the collar.

Yeah, the edges of some collars (the turned under part)can be kinda sharp and can cause a skin irritation that can develope into a sore. Zoe' can not use any nylon collars cause I havent found one yet that I trust. I use a leather (pink of course) for her. I do have a hemp one that is a martingale style for Hannah and Maggie but could not find one small enough for Zoe'.
Amelia only wears a collar when we go out. At home she does not wear one. She never did as a puppy either. Because she was shown and collars leave a mark. I just continued with the no collar, even though she is finished. Fenway wears a collar during the day but I take it off at night before bed. Hope the spot gets better quickly.
Don't put the collar on her, and don't let her scratch it. I'd keep it clean with soap/water and maybe put some triple antibiotic or hydrocortisone on it. Watch for infection. Watch for it to heal and maybe try a different kind of collar, if the collar did cause it. If it didn't cause it, and it's just a hot spot, you might want to be looking at things that would be irritations, allergy related... food, fleas, shampoo, laundry soap, and so on.
I have a dog that can't tolerate plastic buckles on his collars. He never used to have an issue - it started about a year ago. He can only wear collars with metal hardware.

Good luck getting that cleared up. You've gotten some great advice.
Nothing much to add other than my sympathy. Hope it heals quickly.

Ellie can't wear most commercial collars. Erica collars she does o.k. with. Go figure.
Looks like a hot spot from her collar,bath and water could have irritated it and made it redder. Regular Gold Bond power may help with the redness and tenderness. The softest all natural collars I have found is New Earth,they are made from soy and super easy on sensitive necks.
Hope your baby gets better soon. :)
She is doing better. The vet thinks it could have been the collar or something making her to ich a lot. So he gave her a shot and gave me a spray with steroids and antibiotics in it. Thanks for all the help!! Leaving the collar off till it heals. Meantime I'm looking for a new collar, might have to make something. I haven't been able to find much other than nylon and a little bit of leather.
Glad that she is doing better, it will heal in no time.

These are the collars that Magie and Hannah wear, I like them they do fade a bit but they wash up wonderful. We use the martingale style, but they do come in buckles too. Zoe' has a little leather collar with pink bones on it but she only wears it when we go out, because of her skin issues I don't leave a collar on her at home.

earthdog hemp decorative martingale collars

These are links for a few other sites that I liked...

The Good Dog Company | Hemp pet products

Leather Dog Collars - Dog Collar Boutique
Is she itching anywhere else? I might suggest a little cortisone cream or neosporin. If she is itchy in general you can always give her benadryl. 1 pill three times a day.
Thank you!
glad that she is doing better, it will heal in no time.

These are the collars that magie and hannah wear, i like them they do fade a bit but they wash up wonderful. We use the martingale style, but they do come in buckles too. Zoe' has a little leather collar with pink bones on it but she only wears it when we go out, because of her skin issues i don't leave a collar on her at home.

earthdog hemp decorative martingale collars

these are links for a few other sites that i liked...

the good dog company | hemp pet products

leather dog collars - dog collar boutique
The only other spot that has been bothering her is her hind end, she chews at it. When I got her she had fleas (haven't seen any in awhile)and I've continued to treat her. The vet didn't see any and told me to continue with treating. But the shot he gave her was a cortisone shot. And then gave me that spray.
Is she itching anywhere else? I might suggest a little cortisone cream or neosporin. If she is itchy in general you can always give her benadryl. 1 pill three times a day.