

Well-Known Member
Owned by
2 cockers
I'm not sure but I think Precious has started having seizures. First was a few weeks ago, she was standing on the bottom of the chaise after waking up from a nap. Out of the blue she tumbled head first to the floor and lay there on her side, panting. Only lasted a minute or two, then she was up and moving around fine. Earlier this week, she did the same thing to my wife, twice in one day. Once after getting out of her cage in the morning, and once after getting out of her cage after we got home from work. Both times she went outside, squatted & peed, then fell over on her side. Laid there panting a minute or two and then got up and went about her business. Yesterday morning after I got her out and she came back inside, she sprawled out on her belly on the floor but looked like a Parkinson sufferer. She was still on her belly, head up in the air, but was just shaking side to side. Again only lasted a minute or so. Now just tonight, after a nap on the chaise, she stood up and started to follow me to the door. When she didn't come, I went back and she was on her side shaking, head off the side of the chaise, panting. When it stopped, she rolled over but wouldn't get up. When I went to lift her up, she had peed all over the chair and it was still coming out. She had no control whatsoever.

When I was young I had a German Shepherd that suffered seizures. He would lay on his side, kick his feet violently, drool/foam at the mouth, and occasionally lose bladder control. Not a lot of similarity to what Precious is going through so I need input from some of the folks that have been though it with a cocker. For the most part Precious just lays stiff and pants.

This may also be due to low blood sugar. You say she hasn't been eating well for a while. You might try giving her something sweet. It also could be that the lymphoma has spread. You should ask your vet about this.

Hugs for Precious. :luv:
Poor Precious. Agree with Manuel on this one since she's not been eating. I had one with seizures but he started around two years old and had them all his life (controlled with meds). He would become clingy right before the seizures and when he had one coming on he would scream for me to help him. No excessive jerking, no drooling. He just stiffened up and one leg would draw into his chest. Always peed coming out of it.

Prayers going out for Precious and for you.
Thanks. I think I'll call the vet this week. Her appetite has been a little more consistent lately. She's still not eating a lot but she's had grilled chicken/turkey almost every night. Also had some pizza :)

Sorry to hear Precious is having problems.

It would seem to be some degree of epilepsy, but to be certain, consultation through a vet familiar with treating this sort of affliction ought to be pursued.

Seizures may be caused by a number of factors, and aren't always easily diagnosed.

Effective treatments vary, some simple (adding potassium bromide to the diet), some risky with their own concerns (strong prescribed sedatives) and side affects from prolonged use.

The proper treatment and dosage ought to be under the supervision of a vet. A vet that immediately prescribes a controlled substance (like phenobarbitol) without more than a simple Q&A session with the owner, ought to be bypassed and a second opinion sought out.

The national parent club of the English Springer Spaniel (ESSFTA) is actively supporting research into the genetic cause(s) of seizures.
((((Roy))) (((Precious)))
I sure agree with everyone, considering what Precious is going thru now, maybe a vet visit is in order to be sure her cancer hasn't spread.

((((Roy))) (((Precious)))
I sure agree with everyone, considering what Precious is going thru now, maybe a vet visit is in order to be sure her cancer hasn't spread.

Well, that I wasn't aware of and certainly could change my assumption on why she's having difficulty and how the seizure-like behavior might be interpreted.

It's always very sad when unfortunate things seem to follow each other like the cars on a freight train.

I hope Precious comes through this without major difficulty, Roy.
(((Precious and Roy)))

I too think that a consult with your vet is in order....prayers on the way.
Roy, I think a visit to the vet would be a good idea. Sooner the better. Thats quite a few seizures in a short amount of time. A good idea until then would be to keep track of them, and let your vet know the frequency and the severity. If its caused by low blood sugar, you may see her trembling at first.. then go into the seizure. Give her something like honey, or vanilla ice cream to get her sugar levels back up. But I think low blood sugar could be a long shot as to why this is happening. Something else may be the cause.
Please let us know how she is doing. Best of luck to you and Precious.
Please keep us informed on our little angel.

Precious' condition was just diagnosed just about a month ago. We are all keeping up the cyber cocker prayers for Roy and his wife and their little girl. Did you see Roy's puppy yet? He's beautiful. His name is Bailey, a pretty black & tan boy, I think 13 months old.^_^
No seizures (that we've seen) since the one Saturday evening. She still seems really alert and has lots of cocker kisses to give. Still can't figure out the appetite thing, Sunday evening she ate half a pouch of Moist & Meaty (yes it's junk) but I had to hand feed her. Tonight she ate 1/2 of what was left but that's about it. Maybe because I wouldn't hand feed her :) Part of me thinks she is spoiled and just wants to be hand fed some nice warm grilled chicken :)

She seems hungry, takes treats willingly and drinks plenty of water. I'm seriously thinking about taking her to another vet for a 2nd (independent) opinion on the lymphoma. A few years ago the vet thought she had lymphoma and the internist disagreed. I'm afraid the vet (the lab tech actually) may be wrong again and there could be something treatable wrong with her that we aren't treating. Other than her glucosamine and proin, the only med I have her on is the Rimadyl.
Oh Roy
If there is any doubt in your mind, I would go for a second opinion.
That's a relief--no more seizures. I'm glad to hear her appetite has improved.
Spoke too soon (of course). Let her outside this morning, she squatted to pee and just sorta tumbled over sideways. I helped her up and she went poo but I had to carry her up the stairs. Right now she has no energy and is just sprawled out on the floor.
Spoke too soon (of course). Let her outside this morning, she squatted to pee and just sorta tumbled over sideways. I helped her up and she went poo but I had to carry her up the stairs. Right now she has no energy and is just sprawled out on the floor.
Oh Roy. Poor little baby girl.