Sore Back


Hi again

My Fleur has a sore back again, she has had soft tissue damage don't know how it was caused but it seems to be a bit ongoing, and the aglity yesterday flared it up, that and her deciding it was fun just to be naughty whilst doing the courses, well at least she had fun. She has had it on and off since april this year, with her ups and down,s resting from agility.

I am wondering has anyone else had a cocker or any dog with a sore back and what did you do to help it. I hate chiropractors myself, and really don't want her back manipulated especially since the xrays said her back/spine was perfect and nothing wrong. it is the muscle/tissue damage. She has been rested and was fine so i started again, we are going on holidays again soon so will get another rest.

She had a lovely massage yesterday where the lady said she had some knots in her muscles again, i am wondering if she will jsut be like that always now i hope not. she gets a heat pack on her each day, she has accupuncture once a month and we do phsyio and exercises each day. I also have some cream rapigel but haven't used it yet, might have to. If you look at the way she acts she is fine and stupid and mucking around like a puppy, so i don't hink it hurts her but when we practice our weaving it is hurting a bit then, so i have stopped that training again.

If anyond has had a problem, i would apprciate help. I have a sore back myself, and try to do things i would do but with not much luck.

Sue and Fleur

P,S, I don't mean to write alot of threads, but do appreciate any advice
Precious blew out a disk in her back several years ago and was in terrible pain. After a week of pain meds we put her on a daily glucosamine supplement, and although she was never the same after that, she did manage to run, jump, and play right up until the end. I tried getting her some massages but they didn't seem to help.
thank you for that. They xrayed her back and found nothing wrong with it, seemed perfectly aligned etc, I think a slipped disc they said would of shown, have to check on that one though.

It is her muscles that are tight though, so they say it is soft tissue damage

she has been on Cosequin which is a glucosamine and chondrotin supplement for a few years now.
For soft tissue damage (pain) swelling, bruising, I use a homeopathic remedy called "arnica montana". You can find it in health food stores and perhaps even your doggy acupuncturist sells it.

I give 4 pellets about 3 times a day, but I would imagine crate rest and no jumping would be the best right now to calm down the muscles and perhaps some warm hydrotherapy
I would use a heating pad if she'll tolerate it, as that will help relax and tense muscles.

For my dog with back issues, I use glucosamine daily (500mg) and he also gets an anti-inflammatory. But that's because his issue is bone-related as well as soft tissue.
My Beloved Bunkie had back pain most of his life, like Linny said, I used Arnica Montana, or Trameel which are homeopathic, I also used Glucosomine and d-Rybos for his pain. When it was really bad, I had a standing perscription for pain from my vet.
thank you for all of that. She gets a heat pad every night or sometimes twice a day. I was also lucky that i found a special heat pad that i can take too trials, it is one that is activated by a button then you boil it when you get home to its origainal state, so she can have one if need be at trials.

I also give her cosequin, I will have to find that stuff you have mentioned. I am off to see a speical muscle/tissue vet that treats greyhounds that got mentioned to me and recommended so will see what he says. The ways he acts I do not know she has a sore back, i don't think it is as sore, because she is not actingt ilke last time.

Crate time, would do more damage than good, as i didn't crate train her, as when i frist got her i didn't think abuot agility and I was grieving for Callie as a result I have a dog that aint the best at some things, but she is well loved and loves me back. so she gets away with it.

We will be having rest yet again SEe what the vet says. Probably doesn't help that she tears around the house when she is feeling good and even though has 4 legs which can be used as brakes, she uses walls etc to stop herslef, she is crazy as can be

Thank you for the advice.
Massage - t-touch if you will. Don't hear much about it anymore but my babies with problems get massaged every night as well as Glucosamine/Chondroitan. Morgan I used to - whenever he needed it - fill the bathtub half full with warm water and we spent a good half hour flexing and massaging. He always came out like a new dog even though wet and tore thru the yard like an idiot. There was always a smile on his face when he got the spa treatment! Coco loves his nightly's about the best time for kisses from one cranky old dude. He will sit in his bed and wait for me to spend special time with him. He gets a full-body massage including stretching out those old legs and just kneading him all over...except where the tumors are. His sigh of relief and kisses are worth it! I even use massage on the ones on the table that aren't quite used to being brushed and trimmed. It helps. Have I mentioned lately that my dogs are entirely rotten to the core?! :naughty:
T-Touch is excellent - and if you want to learn more about it, get the book,

It's Linda Tellington-Jones. (I think that's her last name)

We have used it for years and I taught my nieces how to do it. THey LOVED giving the fosters a puppy massage using TTouch.

But if your dog has a bad back, why is she at trials? Perhaps it would be best to have her back off of that for a bit.
Thankyou for the advice, I do most of it at the moment. I have not ever heard of t touch or any book about it. Trying to put her in a bath tub would be diasterous she loves water, puddles etc, but not a bath tub full of water. :lol: :lol:

But if your dog has a bad back, why is she at trials? Perhaps it would be best to have her back off of that for a bit...........................
She was rested for over a month, and her back was fine, but her back has knots in her muscles again, but then some dogs will always have that. I will not trial her if it is sore and rest her often too. Since April 17th when i first noticed it, she hasn't done much trialling at all or training. Only starting again and taking it slowly. I take her to the vets constnatly to have her back checked out, and only then do I trial her when she is given the ok. Believe me I wouldn't do anything to hurt my dog i love her way too much for that, which is why I withdrew from a major event (pity as the prize money was $10000 first prize not that we stood much of a chance but had to be in it to win it). She has been rested on and off and for periods of time for 4 1/2 months now, which is why she can be trialled. If her back becomes too sore or flares up, I don't trial her. I did think it had flared up, but now im not sure, as she is still an idiot and still wants to do training (and she aint the type of dog that will train when sore, she is a big sook), I think i over reacted like I tend to do a bit too much with her.
I think though it is mainly if i overdo the weaving which we have problems with and I think i did that last week, then she has a little flare up for a day, like me with my back, and then it is fine again and i watch what she is like.

I have found by my dog physio a thing she has recommeneded called Pointer plus and the reserach i have done it sounds not too bad, and i trust her alot.

Fleur loves her nightly massages and physio, mainly because she gets many treats for doing it, so will do it all night if i let her. Heat pads she is getting better at also. I suppose everything I do it just to prevent injury to her back and because she trials and does agility I want to be extra careful and super cautious and do lots of things to ensure her back doesn't flare up too much and becomes better.

Once again thank you for the advice and i will look into the t touch, to see what it is like. She loves swimming which she did today being a gun dog, i found her 1/2 way across a river chasing geese or soemthing. :naughty: :naughty: but she was having fun and swimming is good for her
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