
Pye's probably wondering what type of squirrel she is.
Pye's probably wondering what type of squirrel she is.
:D:ROFLMAO: Pye never hurts her, and Maddy doesn't stand her ground, her tower is on top of a chest way out of Pye's
reach, and, Michael built her a loft.. well it's hers and he shares it, he stores art up in it. He built her a walkway to the
high window, she loves sitting there and watching the birds. Now when the weather is nice, I do open the drapes and
one window so she can hear the animal life outside. She loves it.
Well it might simply be a fun game for both of them. Dylan and Regina liked to play that way. Regina would give Dylan a swat and then jump somewhere he couldn’t reach and sometimes Dylan would decide to give Regina a little chase out of the blue but I could tell he was playing.
This morning I was (Yuk) cleaning out one closet. Pye was sitting next to me and Maddy was kind of hiding behind my recliner by the TV. They
kind of had the stare down stand off, I wouldn't allow Pye to move from his sit/stay lol, that is till my back was turned then off they went!