TPLO for Reagan

I'm so glad Reagen is doing so well Amanda. Wonderful news!
It is cold and rainy today, so we didn't get to spend time outside. She still wanted to look into the trees for birds and squirrels.

On Thursday she has two vet appointments. One with her regular vet to recheck her tummy issues and do a follow-up UA. Then after that we will see the surgeon to check her incision and an 8 week recheck on the right leg. So by Thursday afternoon she will be ready for a nap!
I hope the check-ups go well, and that Miss Reagan's tummy issues are just a thing of the past.

Poor thing . . . she'll be totally wiped when all is said and done!
She hasn't had an upset tummy in 2 1/2 weeks, but she still had too much bacteria when they did the cytology two weeks ago. So they wanted to recheck it again. There were a few crystals when they did her UA for surgery, but no bacteria or white blood cells were found. I am going to get them to do a follow up and a culture to make sure the bacteria wasn't missed. The surgeon said not to worry about it since she doesn't have any other symptoms, but I want to get it checked out.
She hasn't had an upset tummy in 2 1/2 weeks, but she still had too much bacteria when they did the cytology two weeks ago. So they wanted to recheck it again. There were a few crystals when they did her UA for surgery, but no bacteria or white blood cells were found. I am going to get them to do a follow up and a culture to make sure the bacteria wasn't missed. The surgeon said not to worry about it since she doesn't have any other symptoms, but I want to get it checked out.

You are such a good doggy-momma! You continue to amaze me with all you have gone thru with your babies. Some I guarantee you I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about - which is why I keep my trap shut. You amaze me lady! Truly. :huggles:
Could antibiotics be responsible for the tummy upset? She's probably finished them by now.
This is a recheck from her illness that delayed surgery. There were still a few bacteria on the last test, so they wanted to recheck in 2 weeks. I am expecting it to come back clean because she has been fine and off the meds for a week.
Grrrr. I typed an update and when I clicked post it said something like oops this link is broken or something. If it does it again, I'll right down exactly what it says.

Well, it didn't do it that time. So here it goes again...

The surgeon is happy with how she is doing. Her right knee is still stable. :) Of course, her left repair failed after this point the first time, so IMO we are not out of the woods yet...not sure when I will consider us to be out of the woods. Her incision on the TPLO leg has healed nicely, so she is released from the cone of shame. They are happy with how well she is using her leg, but the muscle is tight. So we will start doing more massages and heat to prevent it from getting worse.

Her clostridium infection is gone. :) They put her ammonium chloride for the high urine pH. The vet is looking into a couple of diet options I emailed her (Nature's Variety Raw diet, Flint River Lamb & Millet, and Honest Kitchen mix). When we do the TPLO xrays in two weeks they will xray bladder and kidneys to make sure she doesn't have any stones yet. We will repeat UA and I'll get a C&S to be sure there is no infection.

All in all a pretty good day at the vet. I can tell she is feeling better. She slept on her back this moring with all four feet in the air...she hasn't done that in 7 months! She also wants to stay outside longer and watch the birds. I let her stay out a little longer as long as she is just sitting or standing watching. If she pulls on the leash at all we go inside.
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That is very encouraging news! Yay ! No cone of shame - bet she is estatic about that part!

Ammonium Chloride....hmm Eliie has high PH and also crystals - they have had her on Uroeze in the past. I wonder if it is the same thing.

We have changed her food over to Hills d/d vet diet to see if that will keep her PH level. I'm not convinced that the food by itself will work though. You probably won't have to go the vet diet - we had to go that route because of Ellie's allergies. she would like to do the happy dance over the cone being gone....we will do it for her since I am sure that no dancing is allowed on her part. Seriously though I am so glad, hope that all continues in her favor you guys have been through enough.

fingers crossed
Sounds good. Right knee is AOK. Left knee recovering from TPLO. Infection gone. You know your cocker is comfy when they're sleeping with their feet in the air.

Sorry about the forum. I recently changed all the thread links. We were having too many problems with the "friendly URLs." That may have been the reason for the not found message. I use Note pad to write all my replies. It's sort of a pain but I never have to worry about my message disappearing. I don't use Word because it adds gibberish to my posts.
Our tap water pH is 8.3, so I am switching to bottled water. Hoping that will help.

The company that makes her joint supplement has a urinary support one, Crananidin. In my email to my vet I asked her about it. She was going to look at the info and email me back.

All in all we were happy with her report. Keeping fingers crossed the one in 2 weeks shows good bone growth!

So happy to hear that everything is going well with Reagan!! I have been thinking about her often, and am so happy to hear of her progress. We switched to bottled water a while ago, when Dallas was still alive. She has huge bladder stones and they recommended doing bottled water. Trying to do that with 6 dogs was a huge pain in the butt, but this made it much easier! Hduo not only works for people, but also has a bowl at the bottom that dispenses water from a 5 gallon jug for dogs. My dogs love it! It keeps their water cold all of the time and it's so much more convenient. Well worth the cost IMO.

Thanks for the link Melissia. I was looking at water dispensers but the reviews were so mixed. When it refills the pet bowl does it make noise? I used one of the automatic water bowls before (the one with the jug) and it would bubble when the dogs drank. Some of our dogs were afraid of it and wouldn't drink from it.

Uroeze is a brand of ammonium chloride.

How often do you have Ellie's pH checked? I am thinking about ordering some strips I saw online, so I can check the pH without having to run her to the vet so much.
It does make a little bit of bubbling noise, but the water bottle is so far above them they really don't notice it. It took Riley about 6 months to finally get used to it, and we still have a bowl out for him, just incase. He is rather persnickety... My dogs really enjoy it.. Even the cats drink out of it. They love the fact that they have fresh cold water all of the time. I go through about 2/5 gallon jugs a week.. I wouldn't trade it for anything at this point..
We have her checked about every month or so.

I never thought about our water! We have well water but it is run through a purification system and then RO. I need to check the PH. I would hate to think that we have gone through all this because of our water!