My Cocker Spaniel Profile: Archive

Name | Tanner |
Breed | Cocker Spaniel Mix |
Sex | male |
Birthday | February 12, 2004 |
Age | |
Location | Rochelle, IL (US) |
Tanner is so good with kids, he's always full of energy and even though when people come close to the house he may bark and seem mean he is just a big softy. He's probably one of the most loving dogs I know of. He follows me everywhere and is such a good companion. Even tho I love cocker spaniels a lot, i love the cocker spaniel and american eskimo mixes even better. He has n adorable curly tail and he does this thing inherited from the American Eskimo in him, he cleans his face constantly!

Name | Tess |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | April 28, 2003 |
Age | |
Location | Europe |
geboortedatum: 28/04/2003 we hebben haar tess genoemd omdat de moeder tessa heet. Tess is een hele lieve en rustige hond. ze is nu 7 maanden en heeft spijtig genoeg nog geen lange haren maar dat zal hopelijk nog wel komen

Name | Tessa |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | November 11, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Central valley of CA (U.S.) |
Owner | Carol Wilkins |
Also owns | Tristan |
Tessa has brought me a whole new outlook on life from the moment I found out about her. I took months of arranging her flight from Mi. to Ca. But during that time I fell in love with her. I had only seen one poor quality picture but knew everything about her. After an waiting 8 hours for her to arrive at the airport and another 8 hour round trip drive to get her home. I opened her crate and sat back to let her chose the right time to come out. With in an hour after we got home she was glued to my side. She spent her first night in my bed and it has been that way ever since. I can't imagine my life with out her. She is truly my little soul mate.
When I adopted Tessa she left behind her brother Tristan. These two bonded at birth. I even have puppy pictures when they are only days old and they are always right next to each other. Tristan missed his sister something awful. She had always been the more independent of the two and he was much more dependent on her then we realized. For weeks I just couldn't get him off my mind. My first thought was to bring him out and try to rehome him with a close friend or neighbor. But I knew once I made up my mind to bring him out here they would never be separated again. So 2 months later I went to the airport to pick him up. I was able to pick him up at an airport close to home so Tessa rode with us. They were in the back seat together and it was very quiet all the way home to I wondered if they would still have their bond. Once we got back home I opened the crate and she coaxed him out. They immediately started playing and I knew I had done the right thing. Tristan is very protective of his mom and his sis but she is still the boss.

Name | Tobey Bear |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | May 15, 1992 |
Age | Passed away 3/9/05 |
Location | Medford, OR (US) |
Owner | Rachael Brussat |
He is very sweet, loving, friendly and loves people and attention. He loves to cuddle and sleep with you. He loves other dogs and loves to play with toys and go for walks on a leash. He talks to you by making funny growling noises and snorts. He has arthritis also and follows you around.

Name | Tristan |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | November 11, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Central valley of CA (U.S.) |
Owner | Carol Wilkins |
Also owns | Tessa |

Name | Tucker |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | February 11, 1999 |
Age | |
Location | Princeton, ON (CA) |
Owner | Brenda Reed |
Tucker, a large Black and Tan, weighs 35 lbs., has been a real companion to my husband who is retired. Sort of like a ball and chain... Inseparable. He (Tucker) not my husband loves to chase rabbits and sits up all night watching for them to come out. Breeder was Susan Penhold, Alberta, Canada.

Name | Tucker |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | December 12, 2004 |
Age | |
Location | Almond, WI (US) |
Owner | Kathy & Doug Johnson |
Tucker is our new puppy. He is 3 months old. He is the sweetest little puppy ever. He is all black except for a small stripe of white on his chest. He loves his big buddy, Copper (our Gordan Setter). They are like Mutt and Jeff. He also loves his kitty friends. We have 2 in house cats. His favorite toys are balls and empty soda bottles. He does not have a favorite food yet as he is too little. He loves going outside and playing in the snow and visiting the horses in the barn. Tucker is our second cocker spaniel. We just lost our first one, Buffy, who was 5 yrs old. She was also a very sweet dog. Tucker has some big shoes to fill, but seems to be off to a great start!!
Vezhen Elail Karl

Name | Vezhen Elail Karl |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | March 5, 1995 |
Age | |
Location | Pleven, Bulgaria |
Owner | Boggy |
Hi! It's me Vezhen. I'm an elderly cocker with young spirit! I'm lovable and loyal to my family. My general occupation is eating, sleeping and going out. In my free time I like to play with my huge collection of toys. I spend my summers at my owners' (funny how they actually think they own me....the truth is, I own them) summer house in the mountain. It's like paradise to me! In the winter I concentrate on sleeping on my pillow (Yes, I do have my own pillow and I put my head on it when I sleep) or on my sofa. Actually I can sleep on the other sofas as well, though I don't let anyone sit on's my territory! At night I like to sleep in the same room with my owners...I don't like to be left alone. The thought of being left alone is unbearable! Fortunately, I know they can't live without me either. Hmmm, I'm feeling a bit sleepy again, so I'll go..but I'm glad I joined this wonderful cocker spaniel community!

Name | Viera |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | August 10, 2004 |
Age | |
Location | Cochabamba , Bolivia |
Owner | Javier y Celcia |
Wilbur Bud

Name | Wilbur Bud |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | April 10, 2002 |
Age | |
Location | Linwood, NJ (U.S) |
Owners | Gail and Bill Kohler |
Also Owns | Beulah, Buster E., & Cody |
Wilbur is a sweet, friendly and smart little boy who loves cuddling and giving kisses. Other favorite things are tummy rubs and toys, lots and lots of toys, that he knows by name! He also loves having his sister, Beulah, to keep him company and to play with everyday, as well as walks on the bike path, running on the beach and constant attention and love.

Name | Winnie |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | October 26, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Scottsdale, AZ (U.S) |
Owners | Lindsey Squires |
Winnie is a sweet one year old little girl. She loves swimming, catching treats in the air and napping. She has a little cocker brother named Huck and loves to wrestle with him. She is very lovingf and slepps with us every night in bed. She loves her belly rubbed and her ears massaged. She is very active, loves squeeky toys and ice cubes!!!!

Name | Zero |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | December 19, 2001 |
Age | Passed away |
Location | Reno, NV (U.S.) |
Owner | Amber |
I got Zero when he was about 2 months old, at a pet store. My mother and I emptied our bank accounts in order to get him. He has been my sunshine through hard times, and he means the world to me. Zero is best friends with my kitty cat, Bailey, and they cuddle, sleep, and play together all day. Zero is a certified therapy dog and I take him to nursing homes to comfort the old and sick. He loves the tennis ball, kissing and cuddling, hanging out with his surrogate cocker mom, Dusty, and going to the local dog parks. He is a smart dog, and has gone through (and passed with flying colors) training classes. He even goes downstairs and goes potty by himself (and comes back up!), when I let him outside...and I live 3 stories up! Oh, and in case you are wondering, I named him Zero because there is "nothing" I wouldn't do for him. :).

Name | Ziggy |
Breed | Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | May 1, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Oxnard, CA (U.S.) |
Owner | Alysha & Wayne Evans |
Also Owns | Coco |
He is loving, shy, a bit timid till he knows you. Is VERY protective of me and follows me EVERYWHERE, he's obedient to a tee and even if we let him outside without his leash he will stay right by you or got a little bit ahead but will never run away.