My Cocker Spaniel Profile: Archive
Paco & Treasure

Name | Paco & Treasure |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthdays | October 11, 2005 |
Ages | |
Location | Manning, SC (US) |
Owner | Debra |
Paco is a very energetic, intelligent and all out fun puppy. His favorite thing is wearing out the doggie door. He loves to run and fetch everything that is not tied down outside and drag it inside and visa versa. His favorite thing is to play Frisbee, ball ,fetch the stick and watch you take a shower. I got Paco at 3 months old . He was from a litter of three. When I first met Paco he had a laid back attitude. After he was home for a few days and realized this was his new home. Then he blossomed into a puppy that was constantly curious and full of playfulness and energy that rivals the energizer bunny. Treasure is just that, a real Treasure. He is Paco's brother . I got the opportunity to get him 3 months after I got Paco. He shares all the traits that Paco does with the exception that he is more of a snuggling dog. He wants to be on the couch touching you when ever he can. Both of the boys have to be within 2 feet of you anytime you are with them. They are a wonderful pair and keep me on my toes at all times. I feel so lucky they picked me to be their forever mom.

Name | Patrick |
Breed | English Field Cocker |
Sex | male |
Birthday | March 17, 2000 |
Age | |
Location | Angeles National Forest, CA (U.S.) |
Home page | Our Zoo |
Owners | Mike & Polly Bennett |
Also owns | Pookie, Pepper, Pumpkin |
Patrick is the alpha in our crew. He's a wonderful sweet beautiful dog. He loves to play ball and loves his fuzzy toys. He's partially blind, he has inoperable cataracts. But they don't get him down. He sings often and loves to run and take long walks and hikes with us. Patrick is our gentle loving big boy.

Name | Payton |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | January 4, 2006 |
Age | |
Location | Southern California (U.S.) |
Owners | Dorothy & Larry |
Our little Payton, is Jet Black in color, and just as beautiful as can be. He has more personality than any dog I have ever owned. He loves life, and loves to run, and hop and jump as if he were in some agility contest. We have hours of fun watching him, and actually thought of entering him in agility competition. We soon took that out of our minds, as we have read in some cases, that it could be hard on legs and feet, as he is small, so we decided to let him just run around his big yard with his best friend Buddy. That way he does what he wants, when he wants. He sleeps with us at night, (right between me and my husband). I also forgot to mention, that Payton, was a rescue boy from Lindsey Animal Shelter. He was a mess when we got him, and had medical problems as well, and thanks to our wonderful Veterinarian, Payton no longer has any medical issues. He just had blood work done, and came back, perfect.

Name | Peaches |
Breed | Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | September 18, 1997 |
Age | |
Location | Pelham, NC (U.S.) |
Owners | Jeff & Patricia Scearce |
She came along at a time in our life of great sadness and uncertainty. We had just lost our other cocker spaniel Dakota, due to cancer. Dakota was independent and very precious. When we were looking for Peaches we wanted a puppy that would be playful and "spunky", we got everything and more that we asked God for. She is our little angel and our blessing. She is now 9 years old and she still loves to play and still approaches life with the attitude of a puppy. As you can tell she has her own special place on the couch and uses it often to rest from a heavy day of playing and looking beautiful.

Name | Peanut |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | May 1, 2002 |
Age | |
Location | Orange County, CA (US) |
Owner | Julie Brohimer |
Peanut is the sweetest doggie in the world. Her favorite activities include chasing around one of her many tennis ball toys, licking faces, going for car rides, running crazy at the dog park and getting a tummy rub. The most hilarious thing about Peanut is that she LOVES to have a foot massage. If you rub her paws - she will fall asleep! It's the cutest thing! Peanut is the best friend a girl could ask for. She gives me a kiss when I leave for work in the morning and is there waiting for me (tail wagging) when I get home. She is my best friend!!

Name | Pepper |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | September 23, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Angeles National Forest, CA (U.S.) |
Home page | Our Zoo |
Owners | Mike & Polly Bennett |
Also owns | Patrick, Pepper, Pumpkin |
Pepper is my beautiful black tri baby boy. He is a very special boy. He came to us afraid of everything. Would hide under any dark space and growl and nip out of fear. We feel that Pep was severely abused. He's come a long way in the time we have had him. He's still very needy but plays and gives kisses and loves life out loud now. Pepper is my baby. I love him fiercely because I don't think he would be alive today if we had not worked with him.

Name | Pepper |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | August 6, 1996 |
Age | |
Location | Charleston, WV (U.S.) |
Owners | Sue King |
Pepper is our "third daughter" that goes everywhere with us...thank God for dog friendly motels! She likes to make us laugh, she is truly funny!

Name | Picasso |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | March 6, 2000 |
Age | |
Location | Winters, CA (U.S.) |
Owners | Lauren Thompson |
Howdy! My name is Picasso, although my family calls me 'Caso' all the time. I was born in Texas, but when i came on a plane to California it wasnt long before i met my new mommy. I lived with her in an apartment for awhile which was okay since i ran the house and the whole complex! I dont think she was allowed to have me there but i gave the apartment manager one sloppy kiss and won him over. Then we moved to my grandmas house. What fun! I have a HUGE yard and animal friends to play with, oh ya and more family to fall in love with me. I love to walk around the neighborhood and find snacks while my family is outside. My favorite time of day is when i walk with mommy to the mailbox, i get to say hello to my doggy friends at the fence. I also love when my other grandma comes over, she always brings me a present and admires my latest fashions. I have a baby sister named Yabi, she is so annoying and immature, and another sister named Silly (she is a hamster) and I lover her very much!!! My brothers name is Huckleberry (he is a cat...sshhh) but he doesnt come around too much since Yabi took over!I As you can probably imagine I have to be patient and share everything, but it always pays off when my mommy and daddy let me sleep right between them and give me extra special treats. I also enjoy my time with my SPUNKY, he is my special toy that i sleep with, it reminds me of when i was a puppy. Well thats all for now i gotta go find SPUNKY and hit the hay!

Name | Pico |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | August 10, 1996 |
Age | |
Location | Belgium |
Owners | Debbie, Mom, & Dad |
Pico is a very cute dog. Because of his age (9 years old) he can't play as he did when he was young, but I love him anyway. If you would know Pico, I think you would agree with me if I would say that he is the best dog !!! When I'm sick, he sits next to me. When there's snow, I get outside and I throw snowballs at him, in which he bites then. In the summer he enjoys the sun, just like his human owners. I try to give him enough attention, but sometimes that isn't easy with my school and so on. Anyway, I think Pico would still love me even when I wouldn't give him attention for 2 weeks !!! That makes him very special to me

Name | Pippin |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | September 30, 2004 |
Age | |
Location | Puyallup, WA (U.S.) |
Owner | Dawnee |
Pippin and I are just getting to know each other! I have had him for three weeks and he has already learned to hit the chimes on the door when he needs to potty, and to sit on command. Pretty smart little guy! His favorite toys are his squeaky hamburger and his "meow" (kitty). We are teaching him that it is his meow, so that we can say, "get the meow", instead of get the we have two cats! I absolutely adore him!

Name | Poochini |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | May 16, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Philipines |
Web | Dogster |
Owner | Reggie J. Mendoza |
Poochini is adorable pup, sweet and loving. His favorite toy is the squeaky duck. It's the first thing in the morning he will look for. Unlike any other pup, he can stay in grooming without any fuss, and very cooperative. I'm very proud being his owner...and sure how lucky I am.

Name | Pookie |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | June 2, 1991 |
Age | Passed Away: Age 17 |
Location | Angeles National Forest, CA (U.S.) |
Home page | Our Zoo |
Owners | Mike & Polly Bennett |
Also owns | Patrick, Pepper, Pumpkin |
Pookie is our beautiful Buff girl. She is around 13 years young and going strong. We have been blessed with Pookie for over 11 years. She is our mother of our crew and loving and gentle and happy. She suffers a little from arthritis now but doesn't really let it slow her down. She had distemper as a pup according to my vet. She lost quite a few of her teeth finally several years ago so her tongue does stick out. But she is still our beautiful girl.

Name | Pookie |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | June 20, 1990 |
Age | |
Location | Kirkcaldy, Scotland |
Owner | The Marwood Family |
We adopted Pookie when she was 7 years old. She has remained in the spotlight ever since and is by far the most spoiled member of the family! Although she has lost her hearing, she is in good health for her age.Watching her running and playing you'd easily believe she was still a pup!! Her hobbies include paddling, chasing and having adventures in the garden, making dens in the duvet, playing with friends at the park and hunting for scraps!
Precious Diamond

Name | Precious Diamond |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | May 23, 2003 |
Age | |
Location | Charlotte, NC (US) |
Owner | Pamela Wilson |
Precious diamond female american cocker spaniel 9 months old born on may 23, 2003 owner name is pamela wilson of charlotte nc my puppies enjoy playing, jumping, going o petsmart and her favorite snack is peanut butter our email is
Prince Daniel Woodruff

Name | Prince Daniel Woodruff |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | February 4, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Clay-Chalkville, AL (U.S.) |
Owner | Jasmine Woodruff |
Prince is a real sweetheart. he loves to play and has his own little language. He is very sensitive about his owner (me) being around other dogs or people.
Prince Kerby

Name | Prince Kerby |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | October 15, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Charlotte, NC (U.S.) |
Owner | Mychael Harris |
Kerby is a beautiful 2 year old with a heart of gold. He loves to play and will let you know if he thinks you are not paying him any attention. He is a wonderful companion and eager to mate. He is AKC and totally healthy. I love him with all my heart and soul and I can tell that he loves me just as much.

Name | Princess |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | December 5, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | Singapore |
Home page | Princess Page |
Owner | "November Rain" |
Princess is a lovely active girl who loves to be pampered and be in the center of attraction. She would act coy and hope that you'll rub her tummy! She loves playing catch, hide n seek and frisbie. She has been spoiled rotten by us. Even when I am angry at her, I can't do that for long because she'll look at you with those endearing eyes of hers and my anger will subside. She is my best friend, my teddy bear, my everything.
Name | Prissy |
Breed | Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | April 7, 2000 |
Age | |
Location | Tennessee (U.S.) |
Owner | Patty Moskalyk |
Prissy is a 3 year old cocker spaniel and lives up to her name! She is very PRISSY!!!! She loves to play ball, go swimming, and loves to just lay down and rest with whoever will lay or sit with her! She loves her grandmother who is called NANA! And will do anything for her or with her! She takes her bye-bye and loves on her 24 hours a day!
Prissy pouts when we leave her at home to go out! But always gives plenty of kisses when we return! She really does like to be loved on and will let you know if she feels neglected! All and all she is a wonderful BABY and we wouldn't know what to do without her!

Name | Pumpkin |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | February 3, 2002 |
Age | |
Location | Angeles National Forest, CA (U.S.) |
Home page | Our Zoo |
Owners | Mike & Polly Bennett |
Also owns | Patrick, Pepper, Pumpkin |
Punkie is the newest member of our family. He's a chocolate tri and a wonderful little guy. He has the most beautiful green/brown eyes. We drove from Los Angeles to Oakland California to pick Punkie up. That is over 6 hours one way. The whole crew went... we would never leave any at home. Punkie is the sweetest, most happy little guy. He loves to give kisses and nips your nose in the cutest way. He loves to play with his balls. And food is Punk's god! He's only about one years old and broke his elbow the first week we had him. He's getting around fine now only has 3 more weeks of the cast to go.

Name | Puppet |
Breed | Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | October 13, 2003 |
Age | |
Location | Boston, MA |
Owner | ? |
Puppet is playful, loving and loves the attention.. He loves children, he gets so curious when they are around. we got him in December 2003 for my daughter. He was just 10 weeks old when we got him and he has been the best...