My Cocker Spaniel Profile: Archive

Name | Nano |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | February 14, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Mississauga, ON (CA) |
Owners | Alvin and Carmela Guilas |
Nano is our baby she was 2 months old when we got her, she completes our family ever since she came to us. My wife and I just got married and she was the greatest wedding gift we ever had, my sister in law and her son leaves with us before Nano came, we could hardly see every one in the house, but now everyone wants to play with her and take care of her, she made this home a perfect one, my wife and i couldn't ask for more.
Nano is very affectionate, she could not even take a nap without someone by her side on the couch. She like to run a lot inside and outside the house. She's very playful and smart little puppy with just 3 months old she knows now how to sit, stay and fetch. Nano is truly an angel to everyone.

Name | Natasha |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | January 26, 2003 |
Age | |
Location | Connecticut U.S. |
Owner | Rita Martin |
Also owns | Suzy, Bruno, Abby & Rebel |
Tasha is our newest arrival, she is precious and absolutely adorable. She has no trouble fitting in and can hold her own with Bruno and Suzy. She is a wonderful addition to our cocker family. She was named after Natasha from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. Just look at her face and you will see why.

Name | Nibbles |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | October 12, 1999 |
Age | |
Location | Maryland (U.S.) |
Owner | Jan Milner |
Also owns | Duffy |
Nibbles is a dear. When I arrive home she'll jump on me and give me doggy kisses. Her 'numero uno' favorite food is BREAD!!! She'll do anything to get it. She will beg, looking at me with pleading eyes. Her favorite game is the DOT. She loves chasing it, and she is willing to spend one hour chasing it, just in order to know what it tastes.

Name | Nicholas Cockervich Nobarkoff |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Rescued | April 24, 2003 |
Home page | Nicholas' Pictures |
Location | Seattle, WA (U.S.) |
Owners | Deborah & Steve |
Nicholas was rescued from the Humane Society in Tacoma, WA, in March of 2003. When rescued, Nicholas was very malnourished, and his fur so tangled that his back legs had matted together, and the muscles atrophied. His back legs still shake when he is tired, but his willingness to pursue the next new smell never wavers.
After a tender fostering with Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue, his picture was posted on, and we had our first date in a PetSmart on Easter, 2003. Nicholas now lives in downtown Seattle, enjoying the title of Ultimate Urban Dog. Please say hello if you see him near the Space Needle, at the Pike Place Market, or on the bus in between!

Name | Nikki Grace |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | female |
Birthday | January 1, 2001 |
Age | |
Location | NW Wisconson (U.S.) |
Owner | Linda |
Nikki is truly my best friend. She is such a sweet little girl; so loving and funny. She can sing and does other tricks as well. She's my shadow -- following me everywhere all day long. Nikki loves her stuffed toys and while playing with them, moans, groans and sings to them. She gives me so much love, unconditionally! Well, as long as i feed her. ;-)))))

Name | Odie |
Breed | English Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | August 24, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Perry, ME (U.S.) |
Owners | Nancy & Suzanne Ramage |
This is Odie, he came to us from Miami Florida. He loves riding in the car, exploring on long walks with Max, our yellow lab. He loves to kiss and cuddle and always sleeps in the bed with one of us. We were lucky enough to have been able to adopt him in February of 2006 when he was 6 months old.

Name | Ollie |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | September 11, 2005 |
Age | |
Location | Kemptville, ON (CA) |
Owners | Bonnie Allard |
Ollie has graced our lives since early December 2005. He is a constant companion and loyal friend and his exuberance and boundless love keeps all of our spirits up. His friendly nature and pleasant disposition give us all something to admire and to strive for. His occasional naughtiness reminds us that none of us are perfect and the love that he showers upon us is given without boundaries. Bonnie's most recent and most spoiled baby has his own blankie which he sucks on like a soother and sometimes falls to sleep with it in his mouth. His snoring can be so loud you wonder how all that noise comes from such a small body. Ollie has been a blessing since day one with our family...thank you Kori......thank you Ollie

Name | Ozzy |
Breed | American Cocker Spaniel |
Sex | male |
Birthday | January 7, 2004 |
Age | |
Location | Vancouver, WA (U.S.) |
Owner | Wendi Dodge |
Ozzy is a crazy dog, everyday he comes up with something to make us all laugh. He enjoys having his picture taken and going on car rides. He sticks his head out the window and grabs at the air so it makes his mouth flap in the wind and people drive-by and just laugh at him. He is still only a puppy and loves to chew on a huge stuffed cocker spaniel that is bigger than he is. He has a best dog friend named Bob (wiener dog) and he loves to jump back and forth over the top of him until Bob starts playing with him. And of course he loves bath-time so he can wear his shower cap!!
We love Ozzy like he is one of our children. Everyone should own a Ozzy dog!!