Help with begging

My old gentleman (who lives with my mother now) has been horrible for begging! Barking, biting, running and going crazy!

First, teach your dogs "leave" command, what means that they are not allowed to come into the kitchen when you are eating. When they are sitting calm on kitchen door you can throw them some bites of their own food. Also, if you have to give them something from the table, just cant stop that, give them something what is cover all over with white pepper! That way they learn that something that you eat taste horrible! :D If you put them totally into another room, they know very well when you are eating and they might continue the same habits in there.

Penelope and Elysee never gets food from our table or mouth, that way they never know what they have mis! :)
I love hot sauce. I put it on everything (i.e. pizza). There was one day that Hoshi snatched food from the counter. I told him, "No! that has hot sauce!" I guess he had to learn for himself. -_-;The "Leave" command is something I need to teach Hoshi. It would help a lot on our walks.
Aw, thanks everyone. My Barney IS the cutest pup in the world! And his bark is just as cute as his face. I still can't believe anyone would let this precious little boy go but I'm glad they did. Now he's all mine! Or should I say, I'm all his.

One day he pulled a danish off the counter and it was covered with confectioner's sugar. I didn't catch him eating it but the evidence was all over his face! I said "Busted!" He looked too cute for words. God I love that dog.
ALWAYS feed yourselves before the dog is fed. This is important for the dogs pack mentality as leaders are fed first and followers second. So you can crate the dog while you eat your meal then when you're finished prepare the dogs meal which then doubles as their reward for coming out of their crate. Also make the dog sit before being fed. The dog needs to know that you provide it's food and that it doesn't just materialise into the bowl.