Hi from North Carolina


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3 cockers
I have 3 cockers that I adore. I had 4 and have lost 2 in the past 5 months. I lost my 9 year old to lymphoma after doing 6 months of chemo and just lost my 11 year old girl to hemangiosarcoma. It has been a tough year, but I have 3 young and healthy munchkins that I feel blessed to have in my life.......actually they run my life!!!!!!
Welcome Joy from So. CA. A lot of us know what you are going thru now. I just lost my eldest cocker this week. {{{Hugs}}}
Thank you Polly..........My heart aches for you also.....there is nothing to stop the tears and pain . I hope that they feel our love every time we think of them.
I understand. I had a 10 year old cocker that I lost to lymphoma. Glad you have your other three wigglebutts to keep you busy.