New Puppy

Thank You :). I bought her from a lady that bought the mother from a breeder pregnant and the breeder wasn't aware when she sold her of the pregnancy. ( I don't have much more information than that). When I take her to the vet, what questions should I ask. She seems to be perfectly healthy but I want to be sure and if she does have health issues, I want to start treating them as soon as possible so she can have the happiest life possible. I went to the store today and almost bought out the toy section lol. Any advice please?
When I take her to the vet, what questions should I ask. She seems to be perfectly healthy but I want to be sure and if she does have health issues, I want to start treating them as soon as possible so she can have the happiest life possible.

Anything you like. For sure, mention the your concerns about the breathing while sleeping. I would write down all your questions that way you don't forget. Your vet will do a head to toe assessment and will have questions for you as well. Since this is your first visit, your vet will try to get a history of her health and vaccination records.

My cockers loved squeaky toys. :)
I will write all of them down so I don't forget. Scarlett likes her squeaky toy, but she has fallen in love with a little lamb with a rattle inside of it. It used to be my cats but Scarlett has claimed it :). She brings it with her everywhere and sleeps with it in her crate. Its pretty funny seeing her carry it around because its almost bigger than she is.
Hi and welcome, she is adorable. The only problem you may have with having a cat is the litter box, you need to find a way to block her from getting to it. Dogs do like to visit the litter box for kitty crunchies !
I've got the litter box with the door flap on it that looks almost like a carrier, so far she hasn't tried but I will keep a close eye on her. :)
She will try.. Maybe put it up high and she will never discover it.. that would be best.
Welcome. Scarlett is adorable. It's possible that the change in environment may be contributing to the heavy panting. Or (depending where you live) the heat. When we brought Mack home, it took him a few weeks to adjust. He panted, licked, drank water, peed, panted, licked, drank etc etc. He would drink several bowls of water a day, turned out to be nothing more than adjusting to his new surroundings and settling in. But it's never a bad idea to ask the vet anytime you have concerns.
I live in Alabama so its been incredibly hot lately, plus it probably was a lot for her to take in with the move. I'm going to ask my vet when I take her for shots. It concerns me a little still but she is behaving normally in every other way. She's playing a lot and going to the bathroom normally, no diarrhea or vomiting so I'm hoping its just adjusting. Thank you for the advice.
Haha I laughed when I first looked at it too but I think it will work. I will probably go ahead and buy it because I don't want Scarlett getting into the litter and even with the flap on the door Dinah still sprinkles litter everywhere when she gets out, so its taking care of two problems at once! Thank you so much for showing me that.:)
Ive sent the link for that litter box to my daughter. Eloise really loves to snack in the litter box and I wonder if that might work for her.
Tennis balls are great too. Also look for a ball that you can put food in and that will keep her entertained.

She is so cute and welcome. You got wonderful people who have great knowledge of cockers.
I can picture Scarlett doing that too, even though she is a baby she is very determined to get her toys if they get stuck under something :).