memorial Nicholas Cockervich Nobarkoff


Staff member
Owned by
2 cockers
My heart dog died today, after a long, wonderful life. Nicholas was a "mutual rescue," he helped us as much as we did him. We know very little about the first years of his life. The nine years we had together, he was a source of companionship, comfort, and comedy.

We adopted him to keep me company after I got CHF, but he became so much more. He also helped nurse my husband through pancreatitis, and heart attack, and helped ease my father in law's struggle with Parkinson's. Somewhere along the way, with my doctors' blessing he became my psychiatric service dog.

He went everywhere, preferring the front seats of the bus, for maximum visibility and petting. So much quiet dignity, in such a furry package, made him welcome everywhere. He loved visiting anywhere, especially restaurants, settling down under a table before anyone knew he was there. If a cat ran away from him, he cried. Didn't trust children, but loved the elderly. And spicy foods.

We are heart-broken to lose him, but were determined to let him go quickly when he wasn't having fun anymore.

Afterlife isn't something I really believe in, but I feel very fortunate to have had him in my life.

Bedtime is early tonight, as I'm hosting tomorrow. These were the old man's meds. I'm keeping the bottle of prednisone that says "give every 12 hours with kisses."


I'm so very, very sorry. Nicholas was indeed a very special boy and I know he will be very missed.

Fly to the bridge on wings of love, Nicholas.
Oh Deborah, I'm so very sorry :(. It is clear how much you loved Nicholas and equally as clear how much he loved you. He will always be in your heart.

Sending love and hugs.
:candle:I am so sorry for your loss, he was a special boy and you shared a special bond. RIP Nicholas, you were loved
As I said yesterday my love, I'll paint him for you when you are ready. Fly high Sir Nicholas!
Oh Deborah I am so, so sorry for your loss. Nicholas most certainly came into your life for a purpose both as a rescue and as a rescuer. He filled your life with compainiondhip, love and healing. And was loved in return by you and your husband.

Fly swiftly on to the Bridge......RIP Nicolas
Sending you huge hugs. I'm glad you were able to share him here on the forum. I always enjoyed his pictures and hearing about him. :luv:
Thanksgiving was a little subdued for us, but I think it was very therapeutic to cook the turkey and have my dad, and my mother-in-law over. Nicholas' sweater and harness are still on a chair near the dining room table, just where I left them when we got home Wednesday. It was a little like leaving the chair for Elijah, I think. As much as it still hurts, I know letting him go was the right thing to do. The apartment is so empty without him. Even though Cordelia was there and knows full well, she sometimes forgets and goes looking for him, just like the Husbandio and I do.
I am so sorry, Deborah. I always smiled when I saw his fancy name! He had a wonderful life with you, one with purpose and with love, which certainly made up for whatever negative times he might have had before you came around.
My deepest sympathies on the loss of your baby. :( My heart breaks for you and the pain you must be going through. Just remember all the good times he brought you and know you'll see him again one day.
What a beautiful story of such a special love. He was truly a loved family member!