- Owned by
- 2 cockers
We adopted him to keep me company after I got CHF, but he became so much more. He also helped nurse my husband through pancreatitis, and heart attack, and helped ease my father in law's struggle with Parkinson's. Somewhere along the way, with my doctors' blessing he became my psychiatric service dog.
He went everywhere, preferring the front seats of the bus, for maximum visibility and petting. So much quiet dignity, in such a furry package, made him welcome everywhere. He loved visiting anywhere, especially restaurants, settling down under a table before anyone knew he was there. If a cat ran away from him, he cried. Didn't trust children, but loved the elderly. And spicy foods.
We are heart-broken to lose him, but were determined to let him go quickly when he wasn't having fun anymore.
Afterlife isn't something I really believe in, but I feel very fortunate to have had him in my life.