rescue Prayer chain for Chance PLEASE

Linny the evet is an hour and a half away. We were there for two hours yesterday ehich isn't too bad for a walk in I guess.
It sounds like Chance is doing okay for now . . . I'm glad you took him to the e-vet Robin, and that it's nothing too, too serious. I hope the meds help.
Linny was so worried last night about you and Chance Robin. It was a very long drive for you. I'm glad he's home safely and that it wasn't anything more serious than the infection. Thank God you caught it so early. Did Rich go with you to Ok City? How is your pain? I know the shingles were really acting up. How are YOU doing love?

Chance prayers being sent minute by minute from the forests in California.
OK...breathing a little easier...Glad that you went and hopefully things will again be headed in the right direction for Chance. Poor little guy, we will continue to send healing prayers and tons of support to you Robin. Hang in there, both of you.
Gracie and I are constantly murmuring "Chance, Chance, go Chance"...warm blankies are not only good for raising temperatures, but also for raising comfort levels and that's a big help right there. You go, Chance, we're all behind you.