rescue Tucker and his ears


Senior Member
Owned by
5 cockers
I'm going to try him on puppy stew only and see if that helps his poor ears. I've tried grain free and fish and sweet potato both commercial foods and the grain free was better but was so rich he wouldn't stop having diarrhea. With the fish his ears were worse. so cross your fingers as I've got to get these ears under control!
I hope the puppy stew works. I've been curious about trying the grain free brands. I think Gabby would have the same problem too.

make sure you use blue power two times a day too (or the one you can purchase that has coloidal silver in it).

Oh and if you can find Nutri Source Lamb & Rice, that has really helped my silly little bichons with their allergies. They too get ear issues. We tried Evo (no grains) and it didn't help them, but the Nutri Source did.

Stew is fabulous. Little salt and you and hubby can have some for dinner. hehehehe, freeze it and you can sell it in your shop.
I'm going to try him on puppy stew only and see if that helps his poor ears. I've tried grain free and fish and sweet potato both commercial foods and the grain free was better but was so rich he wouldn't stop having diarrhea. With the fish his ears were worse. so cross your fingers as I've got to get these ears under control!

Robin, sometimes the the intro of fish oils can, if they are not use to them cause diarrhea. Wellness has a new food out called Simple Solutions.

Hope that Tucker gets some releif soon
I sure hope Tucker's ears start improving soon.

Keep in mind that a good food trial needs at least 8-12 weeks to take effect (told to me by a vet). That's how long it takes for the old food to be completely out of the system, and only the new food is affecting the dog.

Also, when changing food, be aware of treats too. They can be a nasty little culprit of ongoing allergies, depending on their ingredients.

Not sure if you can get Acana Pacifica where you are, but it's about the ONLY food that Jack Jack can tolerate with his sensitive tummy, and it's grain free (with slightly lower protein levels). Also, I'm using Wellness Core Reduced Fat, and he's doing okay on that (all three get it).
Firm believer in giving cockers yogurt with the active cultures in it. It helps my guys. They get a couple of tablespoons of yogurt everyday.

The vet said that it was great that we are doing that.
Plain lowfat yogurt is good But giving them acidophilus or other proenzimes is even better. Prozyme is good stuff
You have to get the yogurt with the active cultures in it because that is the acidopholis (sp?) I use to give Freckles the regular tablets but found that the yogurt is just as good and yummier
I use Prozyme with my guys, and I have noticed that Jack's ears don't get pink anymore. He never got a fullblown infection, but they'd get pink and itchy. Not anymore! And his toe fur isn't red anymore!
I may try the yogurt too. Only thing is that his left ear is calcified shut where you can only see a hole the size of a toothpick so I'm sure it'll have to have surg. It's his right ear that's not as badly calcified yet but is still swollen shut. There is some calcification but vet says it's not as bad so there is a chance still. It's the one that hurts him when someone bumps it and he screams. When I first got him he was itching like crazy and driving himself nuts both on his body and his ears. That's when I put him on the grain free. Immediately the itching and ear shaking, scratching quit but the diarrhea started due to the high protein in it. Thus I decided to try the fish. Well, 2 days later he started scratching himself silly again like when I first got him so that's why I decided to try the puppy stew. I may mix it half with the grain free and see if that helps the diarrhea. If it doesn't, then it'll be the puppy stew. All my puppies LOVED supper tonight. I'll keep everyone up to date with his progress.
Oh, and by the way, he's finally coming out of his shell. He started playing with toys for the first time. Last week he carried around Hersh's stuffed duck that quacks and I got to snap that pic (below and you can see his cherry eyes in it if you look hard enough) and today I caught him carrying around Cookie's favorite ball trotting around like he won a prize at the fair. Lastly, I can't wait until his testosterone levels drop from being snipped as.... let's just say I'm glad I don't have any carpet anymore.

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You didn't mention it but if you're having problems cleaning his ear because of pain ask your vet for medicated ear drops with anesthetic (Neo-Predef with Tetracaine). You could put a couple drops in wait about 15 mins then it won't be so painful to clean. We use ophthalmic Tetracaine drops when someone comes in the ER with eye pain. It really makes a difference. They're able to open their eye and let us examine them when they were in too much pain before to open their eye.
That guy sure has an adorable little face. I'm so sorry to hear of all his medical issues. At least he's in good hands now!
Oh Robin poor baby and he's such a cutie pie. So glad he's starting to play. Manuel's idea with the ear drops is a great one. I bet the puppy stew will do the trick.
My very first cocker spaniel named Freddy had ear problems where they were infected shut. His canals were narrow. I remember fighting with his eyes for over 7 years. The vet made up this medicine to place in his ears to help them where I had to wear gloves as I was not allowed to get any of the medicine on my skin.

It really helped though. Unfortunately, I had to have him put down as some of his organs were damaged due to his infections.