Well, Apollo now has a baby sister... Artemis.

WOW. I am so glad you have her now.... and with all your tender loving care, she's going to be in phenomenal shape in no time!!! All of those things are treatable with time and right meds. You're doing GREAT!!! One thing, if she is dandruffy and itchy, and you can't seem to clear it up, with what she has been dealing with she may have a type of mite.. the layman's terms is "walking dandruff" I cannot remember the scientific name, off the top of my head. It's a mite very common to dogs, but their immune systems keep them in check. If a dog becomes immuno compromised, say from bad care, the mites can take over. They can't live "off" the dog, so it's not going to infest your house, but can spread to the other dog. Easy way to get rid of the mites is a good flea shampoo used on a regular basis. Some spot on treatments can take care of it too... anyways, just a thought. You're doing GREAT!! Hugs, Jen
Thank you! I'll mention it to the vet when we go back in a few weeks for more tests. I'm pretty sure we were planning a skin scrape with a blood sample.

And yes I had to bite my tongue pretty hard. I simply told her I was done talking about it and please leave me alone from now on.

Some people... Ah, well if she thinks she's getting Missy she'll have to go through Apollo and a crotchety 12yr old cat with severe anger issues.

But it pretty much sealed her fate I'm filing a report with animal control tomorrow, then washing my hands of this whole affair.
Chiyetella is the technical term for walking dandruff - a skin scraping should be enough for diagnosis.
I was having them do a blood test too for anesthesia purposes for her spay surgery that's coming up hopefully by December.