
You can check his poop with a stick for round worms and tape worms...round worms will look long kinda like white spaghetti...tape worms can be short white and look kinda like rice...and can cause the rear to itch. Even if you do not see any does not rule out he could have some. You also can take a stool to the vet and they can check for all worms.
How is the protein level in ur opinion? Can u read the label?
So would u say the label is a good solid dog food? In your opinion.
Yes it looks good...and you said it was grain free? If Charlie does well on it that is the important thing. If he does not itch,get ear infections,rashes,coat looks good,no runny eyes,firm small stools then it agrees with him well. The only time I change is if I have one or two of these problems and then it is a slow process to figure out what is in the food that is not agreeing with them. It could be chicken,beef,grains etc....and even when you change foods it can take weeks to get them straighten out on the new food and to get all of the old food out of their when you find one that works well,stay with it and do not change.Some vets now say to change foods as this helps prevents allergies by feeding them all types of food. My Vet says you could ask 10 different vets and they would all tell you something I go with what works best for my dog.
I do not like changing food at all because it takes a long time to get everything right again.
Even if you have rashes and itching going on it could be environmental allergies from grass,dust,mold etc. and not the food at all so it is a big process to figure out just what is causing the issue.
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He does vet runny goopy eyes but from everything I've been read that's just a breed thing it was the chewing on paws that I made the switch because. Which really is now very rare he does that.
Yes it looks good...and you said it was grain free? If Charlie does well on it that is the important thing. If he does not itch,get ear infections,rashes,coat looks good,no runny eyes,firm small stools then it agrees with him well. The only time I change is if I have one or two of these problems and then it is a slow process to figure out what is in the food that is not agreeing with them. It could be chicken,beef,grains etc....and even when you change foods it can take weeks to get them straighten out on the new food and to get all of the old food out of their when you find one that works well,stay with it and do not change.
I do not like changing food at all because it takes a long time to get everything right again.
Even if you have rashes and itching going on it could be environmental allergies from grass,dust,mold etc. and not the food at all so it is a big process to figure out just what is causing the issue.
Yes it is grain free
I got Levi's eyes cleared up and then they have been running some again,my vet is sure it is allergies from outside, told me to give him a Benadryl a day for the next couple of weeks while everything is blooming and he is doing better. I wipe them off each day with a warm wet paper towel.
Course my eyes have been itching the last couple of weeks also as the pollen is so bad right now.
I'm allergic to everything INCLUDING my cat and him but I deal with it. My allergy to him is super minor compared to my allergy to my cat. Grass pollen all tress weeds molds u name it I'm allergic to it lol. It sucks but I take allergy medicine when its intolerable.
He jas always had goopy eyes since we got him so I figired it was the way he is
Wow...that must be rough. I love cats and miss having one but my Son is highly allergic to them and within minutes of being in a house with one his eyes swell shut and has breathing problems so I cannot have one right now.

My Vet told me once and I have always remember it that as soon as a dog has a rash or itch most all people want to change food and most all cases was not the food at all it was environment allergies.This is people that were already feeding good dog food,not the ones full of corn and grains. So I always try Benadryl and baths for at least a week to rule out environment before looking into food allergies and switching foods. I go down with food amounts and add pumpkin for loose stools before changing foods,trying to rule out anything before switching food. I have even had dogs go through ear infection,diarrhea and rashes while changing foods and then all go away when completely changed over,not sure if the change threw their system off that much or what but several weeks later they straighten up and did fine on the new diet. Like I said it is a very slow process to figure out unless you want to do full allergic test which is hundreds of dollars. These Cockers are very sensitive to everything.
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Yes I was going to say the same thing, I would cut back in the food. I find that the portions ate way to generous on the bags of dog food. Some will divide up dogs into very active, active and inactive they will explain the amount of exercise needed to classify your dog into the categories. I give mine 1 cup a day divided morning and evening along with treats during the day with training. I do have a baby scale and weight them weekly. They are right where I want them. Mine also have usually 2 Bowel movements a day. Usually stools that are very thin you try and add a little fiber like the pumpkin. Firms up stool and bulks it up so they don't strain. I would check his stool for parasites just to be sure.
Ya I understand.
I was raised with cats like 8 at a time dogs in and out of house often rabbits and major dust I've learned over many years to deal and take my asthma meds as suppose too. It sucks but I personally couldn't give my animals away just cause of my allergies. Ur son sounds horrible when he has his allergies. That really sucks. My daughter are mildly allergic but were sure most is seasonal from outside.
What is the "best" weight for a cocker anyway I know my vet said he was good I'm just wondering.
Anywhere from 18 to 38 I have seen many sizes
I go more by site and feel than the scale.

Nicole have you started the new raw food yet? I am still reading about raw diets,there is so much to learn with the new food. I got a coffee grinder and did egg shells this evening for a batch of cooking I did.
How can I tell about the weight I don't have a scale that would work to weigh him I tried the one I use and it won't its the metal feet areas to register ur on it

Weigh yourself, then pick up Charlie. Subtract the first amount from the second amount. That should give you a fairly good idea of his weight.

Opps should have read more posts before sorry for the duplicate answer.
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Have not got the food yet, Kathy. Since it is free the owner of the feed store is having a hard time with the distributer that she works with. So she spoke with the owner of Answers pet food, she will work on that. Hoping to have it in a week or so. So far we are still doing the goat's milk in the food. That they do really enjoy.
I'm allergic to everything INCLUDING my cat and him but I deal with it. My allergy to him is super minor compared to my allergy to my cat. Grass pollen all tress weeds molds u name it I'm allergic to it lol. It sucks but I take allergy medicine when its intolerable.

Same here. But, Ive also found, at least for the animals, a lot depends on the breed and how they're kept. I've had times when I've been in someone's house and could just barely breath and/or see. I'm also allergic to bee stings. So, I go to the allergist 2x a month for shots-one time for regular allergies, one time for my bee stings. I get 3 shots each time. I'm one of a handful of people who get that many. :( But, I'm also doing much better. It's very rare for me to have any problems-and that's in spite of spending most of my time outside and sleeping w/my window opened whenever I can. There are very few allergy meds I can take-most of them make me dizzy and/or make my heart race.