Mast Cell Tumor

I'm glad to hear so far the tests are good and that shes home with you, I hope the next few tests go ok. When I was doing my pharmacy training and I had to do the Iso9000 (chemo) the dogs I did see seemed to bounce back a lot faster then what I had expected and most were able to go home the same day. When I was in on the visit a couple days later for follow ups most were moving around as if almost nothing had happened and it usually took a lot less treatments than I expected. The only advise I can give is no question is to small to ask your specialist and when in dought call. Hopefully you get in soon. *Fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery.
What does an administration of Chem usually consist of? It sounds like they go to the vet and spend the day there. Does it make them drowsy or tired? I'm kinda jumping ahead because I haven't talked to the oncologist yet but I'm just wanting to be prepared for what they will tell me.
You'd have to find out what kind yours is using there is several different kinds of chemo treatments that can be used, I was trained on ISO9000 and that one is done through I.V. depending on the animal and the vet either sedation or full anesthetic is used which is why its a full day procedure its one of the things your vet should go over with you. You have nothing to worry about, she sounds like she's in good hands. Remember just breathe she can feel your nerves and the best thing for both of you is to be as calm as you can be, I recommend lots of cuddles :)
Yes I agree. Lots of cuddles! I don't have experience with dogs and chemo. I had a friend who had a sheltie years ago. Her sheltie had colon cancer, she did have chemo and did quite well. It put her into remission and she lived many years after that. Hope everything goes well with Smootchie. All the questions that you have write them down. When you do have the oncology consult bring your list of questions. Until then, just enjoy Smootchie, play with her, cuddle her, etc. everything will be fine. Sounds like you have great support with your BF. There has been many advances in canine cancer.
I dont think anyone knows me. I joined MCS about 10 months ago. I read the comments regularly but i havent participated in them. I had some experience with chemo last year. Monty was 9.5 at the time. We were not dealing with Mast Cell. It was hemangiosarcoma (cancer of the blood veins). We removed the tumor and went back to get a bigger margin after the biopsy came back. We removed a second tumor about 5 months later. We did 5 chemo sessions which varied in price depending upon what blood work and/or ultrasounds needed to be done. Cost was generally $250 to $350 each. I'm sure location also greatly effects price. The drug used was doxorubicin. We did not experience many bad side effects from the chemo. Let me know If you have any other questions. I am not a vet but I will share our experience. I'm sorry you are faced with this problem.
I just heard from the doc yesterday. The second surgical biopsy results came back and we have clean margins. That means she's tumor free in her leg and we don't have to do radiation. If we hadn't found it in the lymph node we'd be done with everything. Two more weeks until the oncology consult.
I just heard from the doc yesterday. The second surgical biopsy results came back and we have clean margins. That means she's tumor free in her leg and we don't have to do radiation. If we hadn't found it in the lymph node we'd be done with everything. Two more weeks until the oncology consult.
Oh what wonderful news!!!!!
That's good to hear :D I hope the appointment goes just as well *fingers and paws still crossed xxxx
You guys! Somehow I mistakenly closed this thread. Thank Goodness Manuel noticed. Thanks Manuel.
I noticed the thread was locked yesterday, wondered why :)

i am glad the margins were good and I hope the oncology appt goes well. Our old cocker had this problem, years ago. Oncology was never mentioned so nothing was done after the surgery, maybe that was not an
I hope you and your baby Smootchie are doing well. You both are in my :prayer:
The only reason why we are confronted with possible chemo is because the removed tumor from her leg was filled with cancer. The lymphatic system is generally how cancer spreads to other systems. The chemo will prevent any of the mast cells from moving and setting up shop elsewhere. If the tumor was isolated then chemo wouldn't be needed.
Greetings everyone. So the doctor told us we would be buying an additional 30% remission rate if we decided to go with chemo. Without chemo the chances for her staying in remission is 50% and with the chemo 80%. With lots of dicussion and tears we opted to do the chemo. It's a six month course. The first month is an IV medication called Vimblastin that she's been getting once a week for four weeks. Tomorrow will actaully be her fourth week. After the first month, she will alternate every two weeks between the IV vimblastin and an oral Lomustine. Every week she gets blood drawn to monitor her blood counts. When we start the oral chemo she will also have her liver enzymes checked weekly too. SIDE EFFECTS??? WHAT SIDE EFFECTS? The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. So far we have yet to have a single side effect and she has been maintaining a healthy weight. All of her labwork has been practically without change from baseline with normal variation. In fact, with the docs permission, she gets to go to the dog park every time she goes to the vet and often times in between. Whenever it's come up that she's on chemo people are skeptical because she just runs and chases and jumps for the ball just like a healthy pup would. I'm a bit nervous when we start the oral chemo because there is a higher tendency for side effects, but until then.... we're doing great!
I hope Smootchie continues to do well on her Chemo. I have heard that dogs do well. Continued prayers for a complete remission.
I'm glad she seems to be doing ok with everything :) We still have fingers and paws crossed for you, and both you and Miss. Smootchie are never far from my thoughts. Keep us posted :)
Hooray! It sounds like she is doing great. I will pray that the side effects remain at bay. Hugs to you both.
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for no side effects and a long, long remission.