Mast Cell Tumor

Smootchie sounds like she's just as determined as her people to best this thing!
So we have reached another bump in the road.... I found a bump on smootchie's side. The doctor tested it and it's another mast cell tumor. She is recommending we get it surgically removed. We are going to see the surgeon Tuesday. I'm having a hard time. You guys have been such wonderful cheerleaders and generators of moral support. You all mean so much to me.

I'm hoping this is okay to do on this site but I created a fundraising site for Smootchie cause our bills are adding up and my bank account is dwindling down. If you have any other suggestions for fundraising please leave a reply. Here is the site...
All of your prayers are coming true~!!
I spoke with surgeon today and she said that the second tumor I found was a lipoma (fat). Therefore the plan is to have the other tumor removed and hope no more come back. If one comes back quickly then we're gonna have to consider taking a step back but if not we continue down the current road for now. Thank you all so much for all your prayers. After this surgery I'll need them even more to keep the bad tumor juju away. HEHE
Excellent news!!!! Your attitude is right - deal with what you're facing now and deal with anything else that comes up later.

Hugs to you all!!!