Puppy pics

Thanks Kathy! I will sure keep them in mind when I'm ready to order my crate :D
There are just so many things to think about getting a puppy, things they can get into that older dogs never think of ! You are going to be busy for awhile :)
I got my XL crate off Craigslist for $20. It just needed a scrub and hose down.
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I've never used craigslist.. maybe I should take a gander at it! Thanks for the tip Paige.
Monday Morning Puppy Fix.. August 26

Oh course! I have to share my Pye having his breakfast :luv:

Now! For a treat! The puppies we haven't seen as much of.. The boys are not spoken for, still
available.. the girl Robin isn't sure of her status yet.

Here she is, the little solid brown Girly

Here's the pretty Brown and Tan little boy.


Here's the other solid brown boy

Can you believe that they are 5 weeks old already!!!
They say time flies when you are having fun...it has been so much fun watching these babies grow but gosh I didn't know it has been five weeks already. They all are so precious and so beautiful :wub:
It has been wonderful watching them grow. And we will continue to do so! I'm now starting to count the days till Pye comes home!
Woooo Hooooooo !!!!!!!!!

Flights are booked!
Robin is flying out to Burbank CA on Sept 14th and staying till the 18th.. she is bringing Pye as her
carry on!!!! Woop Woop!

I'm so excited I can't stand it. That's in only a couple weeks! Oh boy!!!!

We are planning on a play date.. a short one I'm sure because of the heat.. between us here in LA County and Karen, she will drive down and we will drive up.. more than likely meet at the same park that we met at when Robin brought Farley
to Karen. If everything comes together.. we will have a great playdate with pictues of Farley, Ki, Amelia, Fenway, Patch, Pogo, Pepper and Pye! And, their humans. :dance::dance::dance:
I do hope it will work out for Nicole, that will be a slep for her coming from Murrieta.
Saw this and had to log on real quick. Oh gosh Polly! How do you stand it? Pye is soooo very cute and only 17 more days!
I can hardly wait for the pics! Someone needs to write down your every word when you meet him. Kinda like they do for presents at a baby shower. :)
Polly...I am beyond thrilled for you!!!! I know how excited you are and can't wait for pics of Pye in your and Vern's arms :wub: