hi I'm new here I just got my cocker sunday

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I got the clippers just to see if he would even let me touch him with them and he will let me put it on his claw but he feels it and moves away not mean like just annoyed like so as I am pretty sure I did state I'm not forcing it.
I got some clippers but now he won't let me cut his nails. I can still pet and touch his feet. I'm not going to force it. I just figured since I gave him a bath I would try the nails too.
Thought I did say wasn't going to force it I did just making sure
ok...just let someone show you where the quick is before you clip...they can even show you at the vet's office. Let some one that knows dogs well clip for the first time to see how he is going to do and react. Some dogs can freak when the clipper cuts the nail especially if the quick has been cut before.
White nails are much easier to clip as you can see the pink quick in them.....black nails you cannot see the quick and have to know where to cut them without cutting into the quick.
Find a groomer to show you how to cut the nails. If I was close I would show you how to do it.
I'm just gonna let groomer do it I don't want to push him maybe a while later after training and all try again not sure. Had a question how long can a cocker go before they need to be groomed fur cut that is? I do baths at home.
We were thinking waiting tell beginning of summer end of may. His last grooming was February. I am taking him to get his nails cut in the next few days though.
The thing is, if you are showing any kind of uncertainty with cutting the nails, they pick up on it. Then it is just a war, you versus him. I showed a lady today how to cut her dogs nails, and she couldn't believe how easy it was, once you know how. She has opted to bring him to me every time instead. I would say every couple of months on the clipping thing, depending on how you choose to keep him.
My cocker is in a modified show clip, and I usually go no longer than every 6 wks. But some that I groom just get shaved down, and you can usually go about 2 months.
His next gromming is due april 20th which is why I asked if pushing it tell end of may like may 20th would be ok. I was told he gets a cocker 10. With that cut what is longest to go.
Ok so my dog is officially grossing me out now. He just tried to eat cat poo out of the litter box. Ugh! Is this normal I mean I noticed he was licking something off the floor but I didn't think it was cat litter. What do I do he goes everywhere the cat goes unless I'm gone then he's seperated for a short while. The cat sleeps with us like he does.
I need suggestions advice anything is this gonna make him sick. I don't have any place to move the litter box to that he doesn't have access to.
Yep, this is normal. It's a matter of teaching him no. Teach him the command leave it. I have also seen litter boxes made to keep a dog out, so that's another option.
Dogs love cat poo. It is a delicacy to them. It is very bad for them. Sorry, Dizzy, there is no "Leave it" command I have ever found that will work for cat poo. It is very hard to catch the dogs in the act. Each time the cat poops it is fresh temptation for the dog the entire time it's in the box and you'd be surprised how fast they can sneak away. Cat poo is to a dog is kind of like someone baking a home made chocolate cake and using a fan to blow the smell directly to you. After a while all you can think about is chocolate cake until you MUST have a piece.

My daughter has a terrible time with her cocker spaniel and their cat. The cat is bigger and doesn't jump well and Eloise is a small cocker and has springs for legs. When I had Regina the cat and the boys, I was very vigilant about cleaning up the poop. If I smelled it, I cleaned it. We had our litterbox in the laundry room and put up a baby gate. The boys were trained not to cross the gate. Occasionally the temptation became too much for them but is worked pretty well. My daughter haas used a combination of things. The problem is that the dog and cat are about the same size. She uses a very tall gate with a cat door in it which they had to make smaller to try to block Eloise. They've worked hard on training Eloise to stay on the other side. The cat box is one that is supposed to block a dog but Eloise can make it in just fine. However being vigilant, the gate, and the special cat box have in tandem done a pretty gods job of stopping Eloise.

Good luck.
I would move that litter box up and out of the way. All dogs go for cat poop. It's highter in protien and eating poop can cause all kind of problems if done regularly.
I am thinking on a few ideas put litter box in laundry rolm have gate at door have gate at top part of stairs by entery way to stairwell. Maybe look into self cleaning litter box. Not sure yet kind of getting ideas on things. Get litter box with top on it and do both baby gates to block it in laundry room.
Just make sure you buy the taller baby gates because my boy figured out the reg size ones in about 5 sec
Kristina...right now your dog eating cat poop is the least of your concerns. I have followed your thread for many days and things keep getting worst and worst. At this point I only have concerns about your two small daughters and what could happen to them.

I don't know where Charlie came from,I know no rescue would adopt out a known child biting dog to a family with two small autistic children. I would hope a friend would not give you this dog telling you he has bit before...a shelter should have caught this. A dog like Charlie should have never been put into your home!!!! I know he is sweet most of the time but so is most all aggressive dogs. Yes he is aggressive,he bit your child,he lunges at other dogs. He is a dog for advance owners not YOU and your family!!!

Your thread has unfolded in just a few days to this:

We adopted a new cocker on Sunday
We have never owned a dog.
He has bit children before.
He has had several homes.
He lunges on leash at other dogs.
We have two small autistic daughters.
By Wed we are in ER as my daughter was bitten by the dog.
Today I am going to try to cut his nails but have no idea how.

These are all RED FLAGS pointing to one out come....one of your children is going to get hurt bad!!!
I have been around lots and lots of dogs,young,old,rescues,different breeds.I truly love them and could never be without a dog but would NEVER!!!!!! put one above the safety of a child. All I see happening here is one of these small girls getting bitten worst or in the face next time. I saw the photo of the child's hand,it was not a nip or warning,it was a true hard aggressive bite. It was not an accident,he meant business and I "STRONGLY" feel it will happen again in this situation...it is not a question of "could it happen again" but a fact of "WHEN will happen again"!!

Charlie could be a wonderful dog for an experienced dog family without children...but I would "never" want a known child biting dog in a first time dog owner home with two small autistic girls. He bit her when she grabbed his ball (which is a normal reaction for a child wanting to play with a dog) what happens if the child is in his face next time he is triggered with what is an innocent action for a child?

Cockers are my favorite breed but I know how unpredictable some Cockers can be,I have owned several. Throw in first time dog owner and small children and it spells disaster. Return Charlie to wherever you got him!! He is a dog that only an experienced dog owner should own.

Sorry to be so harsh and blunt but I do not want to see one of your precious girls bitten in the face or an eye ripped out by a dog that was trigger by a normal child behavior. Your girls are far more safe with just your kitty.
I'm done being bashed on by u I am choosing to be done with this group I was only here for support and advice. Being told what I have I'm not doing this anymore thank u for those who were kind with ur suggestions. My daughter's hand is healing fine she knows why it happened and mistakes do happen. I'm not giving up on a dog over one issue that was my daughter's fault. They both my daughter and dog need training and that's what we r doing. I'm simply on here to get ideas of what to do. Yes he has bitten before but the situation was completely different. My kids don't bother him hurt him pull on him like the kids that he bit. The nails was nust an idea sorry if it people dixnt like my idea I know when to stop if things are unsure. I'm not 6. I've talked to trainers and they are willing to help. I'm simply asking what others have done so I can get an idea of what I could try.
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