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1 cocker
Hi All :::::waving:::::
I know many of you, but because I couldn't post on MSN.. I thought I would re-introduce myself.

I'm Polly, and I live with my husband Michael and our 4 cockers in the forests above Los Angeles CA. My hubby is a professional artist, and I dabble myself a little in watercolors when I'm in the mood.

I haven't painted in a long while because I lost 3 of my cockers during the first couple of months of 2008.

Hubby and I just added to our crew around Thanksgiving. His name is Stormy,
He's a retired show dog. His kennel name is CH Phantom's Gonna Steal Your Thunder, CGC, TGI. Stormy is going to be six in March, he's a solid Chocolate boy. So our little family now consists of Pepper, Black & Tan boy of 9 (ish)
Petunia a Blue Roan girl of 13 (ish) who is blind, and almost deaf now, and our youngest is a buff boy Pogo who is 4 (ish).. all are rescues with the exception of our Storms.

I will enjoy getting re-acquainted with all my old MCS friends and meeting new MCS friends! :D
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Hi Polly and Everyone.

Polly, I couldn't imagine an nicer home than living out in the forest as you do. I'm glad Stormy is helping you through this difficult time. I remember you saying your husband worked on the Family Guy and I think that's neat.

My name is Manuel. I was the manager of MSN's My Cocker Spaniel and a member of Cocker Spaniels before that--those were my first and best experiences on message boards. I wanted to share my cocker Gabby with the world and met lots of nice people along the way. Gabby is 14 years now. He's been through numerous surgeries and takes several medications but still feisty and gets into trouble (lots of trouble). We live in the Detroit, MI area where it's currently windy and 37F. I've always had plans for so there will always be a message board.
I'm so glad you decided to make a home for us! We will sure make it a busy one.. I can't believe how time flies. I can remember when Gabby was a young whipper snapper and still in trouble LOL.. When you give the word that the forum is ready I bet we will have lots of active people here!
I'm just making minor adjustments. You can change "Junior Member" under your name to whatever you like. I changed the smilies too. It should be safe to join *crosses fingers* now. The board is saved on a backup in case if we need it. -_-;
:) Yes Thanks Manuel for taking the time to still try and keep a site
going for some of us old members of MSNs site for so long and of corse hope to get several new ones too.
Anita and Hannah
Anita & Manuel!
We got some new members today! Jo who was my chat host partner on AOL joined, and DJ joined, and Judy! I can't wait for them to start posting!

Manuel I noticed that our members list is growing. I do hope they will all post and introduce/re-introduce themselves to us..

:::::::::::waving to everyone:::::::::::

Let's get this forum up and going all! We want it to be our new home :)
Hi Everyone,

I am Cheryl from San Antonio, Texas...I have tow cockers by the names of Daffney & Annie or I also call them my Texas Bluebonnets. Also have a black mix lab by the name of Reno and what a handful he is!!!! We found him on the side of the road when he was about 8 or 9 weeks old...lucky him that we drove by. I work during the day so I normally get on in the evenings.

I am Jo Anne but my friends call me Jo. I did have a cock-a-poo named Rascal. Bless her little heart she is at the bridge. I met Polly through a pet chat and became co host. She told me to come over to the cocker spaniel board even though I didn't have one then. I had a sweet terrier mix and the cock-a-poo. Both have gone to the bridge. There I met a wonderful rescue person who adopted two cocker spaniels to us.

Maggie is a brown cocker spaniel. Crissy is a sable merle mix. They are our pride and joy. We love them so much and cherish their part in our family every day. We are in Maryland.

Yes Peggy it does! Mark and Mike both are members also..we are waiting for them to start posting. And Pam registered but hasn't started posting yet..:)
Judy is a registered member, and, I hope Linny will join, she has been under the weather ;)
Hi Jo and welcome aboard~
If I have missed anyone please don't feel bad~
I am doing it right now.


I am Jo Anne but my friends call me Jo. I did have a cock-a-poo named Rascal. Bless her little heart she is at the bridge. I met Polly through a pet chat and became co host. She told me to come over to the cocker spaniel board even though I didn't have one then. I had a sweet terrier mix and the cock-a-poo. Both have gone to the bridge. There I met a wonderful rescue person who adopted two cocker spaniels to us.

Maggie is a brown cocker spaniel. Crissy is a sable merle mix. They are our pride and joy. We love them so much and cherish their part in our family every day. We are in Maryland.


I'm glad Polly invited members from your AOL group. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Maggie and Crissy. Let me or Polly know if you need any help figuring out the message board.
I'm here but have always been mostly a lurker. Thanks for the invite Polly, AOL felt like a sinking ship. I'm Pam and I've had Daisy since she was a pup and she is about 10 now and this year I added Zelda who came from a backyard breeder who dumped 7 dogs. Her age is not known, such bad teeth she had 17 pulled at her first vet visit. She has some trust issues but she does trust me. She did bite my granddaughter a couple of times but has gotten much better. Kaylee is almost 4 and says, "I think Zelda is beginning to trust me grandma". She loves her to death.


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Glad to hear Zelda is doing better. Her poor little mouth. Riley has very few teeth left but does very eating. I bet Zelda does, too.