Our Stormy

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Awww...I bet that just made his day to have Stormy lay with him like that!

Polly, I will be gone for most of the day tomorrow and away from the puter. Please know that I will be thinking about you all and will check on word as soon as I can. Wishing you a successful dr visit.

::::STORMY UPDATE-Dinner 7/11:::#StormysFight

Today was a good day. I decided to give all the boys a bath, and I trimmed Stormy
to be ready for his Vet visit tomorrow. I was a little worried about Stormy after his
bath, he pouted a little right after. But, it wasn't long before he was playing with
Pogo. The pix of them on the bed, both wet, he had just stopped playing.

Dinner was good. When I fed the other boys he didn't want to eat, but, he was
still coughing a little. But, by the time we ate, he was ready also. So Stormy
had a great dinner.

It's been a great day.
Praying for a wonderful Doctor trip tomorrow for Stormy! They looked wonderful after their baths Polly :)
Just a quick hello before I head out. Good morning to Stormy and all. I hope you have a great day today and that your new doc is very nice.

Hugs and smoochies. :*

I'll check in with you later today.
Good luck at the Specialists today, I hope he has good news and a plan to help our Stormy. I will keep checking in to see how he is. Hugs
Thank you gals! The boys got their brush outs before bed and they do look wonderful. I made my leave in conditioner a little stronger this time and Stormy's leg feathers are nice and soft. I did shave him with a 4F so he's closer to the skin on his back.
I don't want to have to bother him too much if he is to have some sort of chemo or surgery.

I started this thread with such a frightened and negative post, because I was frightened and negative. I think that after
our Oncologist visit today. I will start a new thread with the results. After all, this will be the start of whatever is in store
for us.

Today is the 4th day since his shot. He's still asleep, but I could hear his breathing this morning. He stayed up on the bed getting his belly rubs last night. That gave My Vern's heart a nice warm glow.

I am praying for very positive news today. I know what we are fighting, I am praying for a long battle. But, believe me
it's all about Stormy, what his quality of life will be.
Prayers being said for Stormy,you and Vern. Have a safe trip and hoping all goes well. Hugs to all.
I know thta you have probly already left but wanted you to know that we are all there with you (you might let the vet know that we are all here, in case he feels like he is being watched :))

Prayers, hugs and love.
Thinking about you, Vern, Robin & Stormy. I hope the visit went well. I have been thinking of it all day.
I'm closing this thread and will post about Stormy.

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