Throwing up

The boys are not around other dogs very often. My nephew has a little Pappilion but he has not been sick that I know of. We avoid any dogs we see outside. Then there is R.J.s obedience class and the dog groomer. They are supposed to go get groomed Monday and R.J. starts his classes again Tuesday.
Hmmm I wouldnt be surprised to hear that something was making the rounds at might not hear anything from the groomer...but class folks will certainly talk about it
I agree with Gina, it's likely coming from the class. Some dog stuff is very contagious . . .

I hope the boys are continuing to improve and feeling better. What a crummy few days you've had, filled with worry!
The boys are doing better. R.J. ran around and played with his sqeaky moose today and Butters with his favorite tennis ball. They LOVVVED the chicken. We are taking some with us tomorrow. We are staying in tonight so they can rest somemore. They are drinking water again and are going out to potty just fine. Still no poopy from R.J. but I'm not concerned about that.

Yea !!!! Glad that the boys are feeling better.
The boys had a good day. They got some along with their chicken. Butters threw up a little, but no big deal. R.J. was doing better, he kept trying to get at the hamster cages. Butters just curled up and slept except when it was time for food. They are off to the groomers tomorrow.
I'm glad that they are doing better. Such a relief!
And the Easter Bunny visited them too. R.J. got a squeaky squirrel and Butters a squeaky ball. Time for breakfast now then off to groomers.
Glad the boys are doing better. I hope they have a very nice day. Take pix of them after their beauty treatment!^_^
I'm so glad that both Butters and RJ are feeling better. How nice of the Easter Bunny to bring them surprises!
Forgot to pick up film. Have not taken pics of the boys in a while. I'll have to stock up for our vacation this summer. Will have lots of pics then.:D
I checked the boys ears tonight. They each had one that looked a litlte yucky, which I will keep an eye on. Poor Butters, he shakes so bad when I check and clean his ears. R.J. just laid there as I long I rubbed his belly every know and then. When Butters was done, I was checking him over and I found 3 of those little fleshy bumps like the one removed last month (they are all smaller than a pencil eraser). One was behind his right ear, one under his collar and one on his right side. I'll keep an eye on them and will go to the vet if we have too.
I checked the boys ears tonight. They each had one that looked a litlte yucky, which I will keep an eye on. Poor Butters, he shakes so bad when I check and clean his ears. R.J. just laid there as I long I rubbed his belly every know and then. When Butters was done, I was checking him over and I found 3 of those little fleshy bumps like the one removed last month (they are all smaller than a pencil eraser). One was behind his right ear, one under his collar and one on his right side. I'll keep an eye on them and will go to the vet if we have too.
Gabby has more of the little grows than I can count. I vote cockers be genetically re-engineered (cockers 2.0). :naughty:
Cockers are known to get warts as they age . . . my old guy Quigley had tons of them. Farley doesn't have too many yet, but they'll come, I'm sure of it.
It's funny, my Pookie lived to 19 (ish) she may have been older and didn't have any.. I think she was at least part English.. not sure tho..
Pookie was one of a kind. She led a completely care free life.. she lost a few teeth at around 10 but that was all!
And know we are back to R.J. We had to take him to the vet yesterday when we noticed blood on the porch and I looked over both boys and found a sore on his foot while we were sitting outside. The vet thinks he might have been chewing on it. He gave me ointment to put on it and I had to put a bandage over that so he would stop licking it and he had to wear the dreaded e-collar. He said to watch him for a week and bring it back if it still is not healing. It's not on the bottom of his foot so I think we can still go to class this week. Next week is our last class. I also got some nice pics of the boys playing outside yesterday afternoon. Both he and Butters had fun running around playing with their toys. Will puts the pics up as soon as I can.
Oh Randy
If it isn't one thing, it's another! Prayers going up for RJ...
RJ.. you keep your lips off your foot!!!